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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
11/23/2020 3:57:59 PM

Everything as "end game" a player tailored challenge mode

So with the new contest modifier active on the newest Raid race I got an idea while watching it and playing Wrathborn hunts at low light. What if we could tailor our own difficulty across the game for rewards? We did have a Nightfall pass we could change around during Forsaken, which made soloing Nightfalls fun as it was a very user end experience. But what if we made that into a difficulty selection in every aspect of PvE? We could have casual players have the freedom to go against enemies the old standard way, but if you want you could add more and more modifiers to your gameplay for more drop chances and currency drops? I would love to have Contest modifier and less ammo always on even on patrol zones. Maybe even blackout and juggler too. Singes may be a bit too exploitable for the system, but all those modifiers that one sidedly make the game harder should be on the selection block. The system could be disabled for tailored experiences like weekly Nightfalls and end-game Raids. Maybe for even a stupid challenge in the style of Legendary Lost Sectors, a "All Modifiers/All Sectors clear challenge" That's some replay value right there. But if we ever got a solo option for Strikes or a story mission playlist, the self tailored difficulty of the old Nightfall pass for all gameolay would be a geat and unique way to approach Destiny's ongoing dilemma of "Way too casual or way too hardcore"' Also yes it's me your old Forsaken era Commander main here, hello again.



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