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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
123TheCloopにより編集済み: 11/22/2020 5:09:15 PM

Europa+S13 is Shadowkeep+S12 but Time Gated (change my mind)

Title above, Variks is basically a copy of the Umbral system from last season with a time gate to it, you give us "empire hunt difficulties" wow I wonder where I've played that before, oh thats right the Moon with Shadowkeep. At this point, Season of the Hunt with the Crow is literally a copy of the Managerie with the chalice upgrades just with 1 or 2 twists applied. You had the cheek to charge more for this expansion, I feel like I actually got more moneys worth from Shadowkeep than Europa just for the fact the new "content" was actually new not some copy paste bullshit.
#LOL #destiny2



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