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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
11/20/2020 3:58:03 PM

Guardian Stories B1, House of Witches. Part 9: Foul Creature

Warning: Graphic Violence, you've been warned. Akain held Yuri's body, weeping with his head on hers, Adam kneeling beside them both, with a look of total defeat, with blank unbelieving eye's full of tears. The alarm that sounded earlier forgotten when the world stopped spinning. Minutes that felt like years passed and Akain barely noticed the other Guardians return and drop down with them. A gentle hand was placed on his shoulder, you did your best Guardian, let her rest. Viola said to him in a surprisingly gentle tone. She put her hands under his arms and lifted him with ease of the ground, she gave a soft squeeze on his shoulder and spoke. What happens now? Eve stood there, looking at Roberts corpse. Did you kill his Ghost? Eve asked Adam and Akain. No, Adam fought him but he didn't show his ghost. Akain said with a shaky voice, still not taking his eyes away from Yuri. Then, we wait till he revives, kill his ghost and question him, Eve spoke in a determined voice. Then what? Going to kill him? You would be no worse than he is. Viola spoke to Eve in a tone of anger. We take him back to the Tower and hand him to the Vanguard, that's what we should do. She stated like that was the end of the conversation. We need to find out what the House of Witches plans to do with the tank, that alarm we heard, wasn't for us, it was for that tank, it's moving at speed towards hell knows where, we need answers now. Eve said raising her voice and squaring up to Viola. Roberts Ghost appeared at his corpse and began reviving him. Everyone but Akain turned there head to look. We need to decide now, we have roughly got thirty seconds before he's back on his feet and another fight is on his hands. Adam what do you say? Eve hurriedly spoke. Adam got up from the ground, we need answers, but I'm not killing a Guardian, I can't, my light has left me, my Ghost is gone, I am useless now. Adam said in a soulless voice. I'm so sorry Adam, Viola said to him with sincerity. They could hear the Ghost finishing up and Robert slightly moving, his Ghost soon to disappear, he was about to get up. Where is his gun, we need to... A loud bang echoed in the pit and Roberts Ghost shattered into pieces. Akain had Roberts hand cannon pointed at the now dead Ghost, his arm shaking. Eve approached Akain slowly and carefully, hands raised to for any sudden movements. Give me the gun Akain, she said gently and with great care. Akain didn't move, he shook with the rage coursing through him. Eve went to Akain's side and eased the gun out of his hand, staring at Robert who had began to laugh insanely. The laughter echoed of the walls, making it seem like dozens of people were laughing with him. Do think that will bring you dead friend back? Robert chuckled out. He crawled to his feet, inhumanly, still laughing all the time. You think the Traveler cared that he lost one of countless pawns? Robert stopped, his laughter disappeared instantly, a monstrous look on his face. You think you can stop her? That's enough! Adam lunged at Robert punching him full in the face, knocking his newly formed teeth out again. Robert started to laugh as though causing him pain was the best feeling ever. Who do you think we can't stop? Eve asked calmly. Robert stopped laughing and looked her dead in the eye. Savathun. Robert said in a loving voice. He started to repeat her name over hugging himself and clawing at his own arms, blood covering his fingertips. Robert continued to speak. She sent Xivu Arath the God of War to open the eyes of the Fallen scum, so Xivu Arath ordered them to make a great machine! A machine so great that it could destroy the walls of the Last City and open there eyes to! He looked like he was imagining the best dream he could ever have thought up. All of them were horrified at what they had seen and heard. Viola snapped back to herself. We need to go and contact Zavala, tell them what's coming, Viola ran up the highest point of the Pit and glided to the top, they could he her running out of the large room above them to where they came in, to get a good signal with the Tower. They could hear movement in the Pit, the Thrall who survived were getting curious and slowly beginning to approach. What now? Adam asked, we need to get going, but we can't... What happens to him? Akain cut Adam's question. Akain pulled his sidearm out approached Robert who stopped vaguely smiling, his face became full of fear. Akain put the gun to his head and Robert began to cry like a child, shaking and screaming in fear, it was a horrifyingly disturbing sight, Eve and Adam couldn't look. Akain had his finger on the trigger, he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. Akain thought of Yuri and rage filled him, he began to shake violently. I have a family, her words came to him, like she had whispered in his ear. Tears began to fall and he lowered the gun. You are a disgusting and foul creature, but I can't kill you, or I would become like you and... It would ruin me. Akain spoke, his rage leaving him, all he wanted to do now was to never look on this man again, he turned and walked away. Robert looked up with a wicked smile and lunged at Akains back, he had pulled a blade from nowhere. Roberts kneecaps exploded before he got two steps towards Akain as Eve fired at them. Robert landed hard on the ground, he screamed in pain, holding his knees. We don't have to kill you, but we don't have to save you either. Eve spoke in a monotone uncaring voice. Akain picked up Yuri and using the light within him, flaming wings burst from his back, without turning back, he ascended with her body in his arms, out of the darkness back into the light. As they escaped the pit, they could hear Roberts screams for help as the chamber pit filled with darkness again and Thrall began to approach there new meal. Writers Notes: We are around the halfway point now, the second arc of the story now begins. There is a lot more action incoming, I wanted to build the character of Akain and the others before we started the true mission of the story. I was also asked to make one of the readers their guardian in the story to kill Robert, I thought it was really funny, as always, thank you for your support! P.s. have a plan for another story, but it needs development before I even think of starting it.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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