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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
11/7/2020 2:29:21 AM

Doing Deep Stone, kwtd

Alright kids I'm doing the newest raid and let's all be on the same page okay? So bring a solid assault rifle for adds okay? Sniper for "that section" you know the part with the puzzle and the timers . Then make sure you have a good LMG heavy for the second/final "boss" even tho technically we all know how to cheese it with the join in progress glitch , the heavies will stay on the spawn cliff an just delete adds as the ground team does the second light/dark puzzle. Alright onto the third an start of the final phase , all ya do is move along the conveyor belt , shoot the correct lights , fight the compactor an by fight I mean just daka daka daka untill it's dead , then we go through the opening, grab the chest , pray to RNG that ya get the raid linear fusion rifle and then onto the boss Pretty simple , you have two teams of three, left an right . Each team clears adds , then the actual fight starts, each side gets an *attacker* that person should be buffed to heck an back , then just empty LMG into the bosses knees, after that the real final fight truly starts . It's a timed fight you have at least 30 mins before the room is flooded with exo juice or milk whatever, just damage the bosses weak spots an pass off the buff , keep track by the fifth passed buff you should be done if not make sure it's done by sixth cause the on seventh "he" will do his clear an flood the room , and it's reset . Be close to cap as possibly folks it's a tough fight.
#satire #destiny2



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