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11/3/2020 6:12:52 PM

Eververse Store not allowing purchase of featured items

@Bungie It is the final week before Beyond Light releases, our last week to acquire any items from the Eververse store via bright dust or silver purchases. I have been patiently waiting for the better part of 2 months for the Rimskipper Sling exotic ship to even show up in the Eververse store, and today on November 3rd Bungie updated the store to show a featured banner with the Matterscourge exotic ornament, the Galvanic Fork sparrow and the Rimskipper Sling exotic ship. However when I attempt to select the banner with the Rimskipper Sling I am brought to the Seasonal Offerings, where there is NO Rimskipper Sling or Galvanic Fork available to purchase. Another thing to add is that when the other featured banners are selected they open an option to directly buy the item for silver. This is extremely frustrating as I cannot even spend actual money for a ship I have wanted and waited for so long, @Bungie please tell me this is some sort of bug or a way to purchase this ship. I literally am wanting to support Bungie with direct purchases but this is blocking the way.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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