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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
PraiseTheSun \lTl/により編集済み: 10/30/2020 12:50:42 AM

Bungie the Bright dust nerf. Why?

So I did the math 14 weeks in your season. In the season of dawn with your 14 weeks you would make 3600 bright dust a week if you completed them on all three characters. 3600 x 14 = 50,400. Realistically speaking most people get about half that maybe 3/4s only the most devoted get the whole sum. Now with the coming season you will only be able to earn 100 bright dust per weekly bounty instead of the original 200. (Btw they also nerfed the extra bounties that give you meager sums they use to give 20 now they reward 10.) So instead of seeing 3600 a week if you complete the bounties on all three characters you get 1800. 1,800 x 14 = 25,200. Now we get a bonus 10,500 bright dust from the pass too so we got 25,200 + 10,500 = 35,700. Any way you cut it they've nerfed how much bright dust we can earn even if we devoted ourselves to the maximum effected we're getting screwed out of at least 14,000 bright dust. Funny enough of course this is related to the eververse store what else could it be. -blam!-ing Bungie one step forward two steps back. Cha-cha real smooth 🎶. TLDR We used to have the opportunity to make 50,400 BrightDust in a season. In the future it'll only be 32,000 or a little more if you're willing to spend money of course.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Hello fellow guardian, you must be new here. Whenever bungie decides to make changes to the game such as our armor system or bright dust accumulation they always find a way to make it a little less rewarding for the players, or make us a little bit less powerful while trying to talk it up like that's not whats happening at all. Image, if you will, youre getting robbed. This robber however, while taking your goods, is talking to you in an enthusiastic voice about how he is actually helping you out by reducing your carry load and earthly possessions that have enslaved you too them. "You dont need this ridiculous phone, its holding you back, dumbing you down. I'm taking it off your hands so you can do better, be better and have a more focused goal and other things in life." Thats bungie.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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