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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
10/26/2020 10:20:09 PM

Unique Crucible

As i am playing the crucible, i am wondering why there aren't more unique grinds in the crucible itself. What i mean is, we have many triumphs, there should be specific ornaments or exclusive gear tied to these triumphs that don't effect the total gameplay of quickplay, but adds now a grind and a useful one at that. Imagine getting an "annihilation medal" 40 times, and there is like a skin or armor ornament tied to the said triumph. (Please no Shaders). For quickplay when you reach highest rank, have this tied to other triumphs or medals to hit so that it counts for something. Along with also giving some useful materials, this makes another of the outlet of the game useful once you have hit the level cap. For the Competitive scene, this can be expanded based on tiers hit, can get a certain ornament glow for the season! exclusive for the season, glory armor gear once certain ranks are reached. Hitting that final rank gives enough good materials for the grind, an emblem, Shader, and skin for the pinnacle weapon for the season.



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