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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Dredgen Araphelにより編集済み: 10/27/2020 12:18:33 AM

Post achieved purpose. Whatever is meta I'll just that in place if autos go back to being useless.

Edited: Thanks for the input everyone my question has been answered. Whatever is meta I'll just play that. I shouldn't have gotten false hope for autos and eventually they will go back to being overglorified SMGs. I respect the opinions and answers I was given. It is what it is.



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  • Erijianにより編集済み: 10/27/2020 9:28:12 PM
    I'd recommend picking up Pulse Rifles. High-Impact, Aggressive, Rapid-Fire and Vigilance Wing are all great currently and will become even better with 600 RPMs getting toned down and HCs losing 150 RPMs.



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    1 返信
    • The easiest weapon to use shouldn't have the fastest TTK. Plus, with the TTKs they have now, there's no penalty for using them at extreme ranges. No one wants them to be useless, they can be good closer ranged rifles without dominating every other rifle class, HC and SMG weapon type in the game. No This does not prove your point or whatever. HC's take a lot more skill, so they should be rewarded by faster overall TTKs OR at least COMPARABLE TTKs and better range, because they're more precise anyways.



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      9 通の返信
      • Because the “noob-friendly” gun shouldn’t also have the fastest TTK? 😂



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        18 通の返信
        • Zurrealにより編集済み: 10/26/2020 1:21:02 PM
          The problem with 600RPM autos aren't that they're easy to use (they are, and that part is fine) - the problem is the ease of use in combination with the superior TTK they offer. If you want some kind of balance in a game with different weapon types the easiest gun to use can't also be most effective one. They need to be one or the other.



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          23 通の返信
          • Easiest guns shouldn't be the most lethal, have the best perks and absurd range. That's why hc's have never been meta on console (except nf). [spoiler]well ok trust was meta for a while, but basically everything out ttk'd it. And it didn't matter, since 180's have no recoil and are really easy to use.[/spoiler]



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            • Facelaussにより編集済み: 10/26/2020 5:36:27 PM
              Autos are more forgiving than handcannons by a good margin, as handcannons are severely punished for missing even a single crit. The fact that autos get the better ttk, range and forgiveness negates the reason for handcannons to have such a risk/reward feel to them, in the current season (especially on console) Autos do and will still kill faster than handcannons and will still be plenty good next season. Rn 600 autos 0.7 ttk 150 handcannons 0.8 ttk 140 handcannons 0.87ttk BL 600 autos 0.79 ttk Sunshot 0.8 ttk 140 handcannons 0.87 ttk I believe autos are supposed to be easy to use but they are, in the current meta on console, not just easy to use but oppressive to all other primaries. Maybe with the exception of sidearms. Random fact for people saying 150 -> 140 is a big damage buff, 150s do 68 a headshot while 140s do 70 a headshot. It’s a minor damage bump that’s not noticeable and changes nothing except in the case of thorn. 720 autos have a 0.77ttk right now and are more forgiving than 600 autos, just wait for people to realize that Handcannons at this point are a staple in the destiny franchise and are many peoples favorite weapons. Nothing quite feels as uniquely Destiny as picking up and shooting a Destiny handcannon to many people. While autos (mostly current 600s) imo don’t feel special to Destiny, just generic autos from any FPS game As for shotguns, snipes, etc I think scav perks should be removed from the game. Let people only pick up 1 green ammo from a kill basically. - for pve they couple buff ammo finder perks to compensate for this in pve



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              1 返信
              • Remove slideshot from shotty's.



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                5 通の返信
                • CoolFusionにより編集済み: 10/26/2020 11:12:10 PM
                  They don't take a lot of skill to use. But, they are fun to use and allow less skilled players to be competitive. That's primarily why people like them. And people liking them means they play more crucible. And more people playing crucible is more fun for everyone else. It also means that more resources can be put to making the crucible even more enjoyable and Bungie releases more PvP content. So.... yeah, not seeing a huge downside. Are they a little too strong? Yes, but that's why they are nerfing them a little. You can't go overboard with nerfs to fun to use weapons or people won't play. I'm bored with HC and shotty metas.



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                • Some auto's are about precision though, literally there is a precision frame 450rpm and dont forget about the slower 360rpm. The problem was that there was no point in using any other frame because the 600rpm were just good at everything. So yes 600s did need that slight nerf. Just as a reminder though those ttk values are only if you land all precision shots. Youre not going to land precision shots all the time (although you can get pretty close). For the most part Auto's are pretty consistent and should remain that way. Another point I wanted to bring out is that we have different weapon archetypes for a reason. Its so that we all can counter each other! scatter vs precision, shotgun vs fusion, auto vs hand cannon, the list goes on! ( I'm sure youre already aware of this, but many others don't)



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                • Their egos wont let them understand that Hc’s are ez mode too. The best overall guns in the game by far. And have been the meta or in the meta for over 2 years now. Be cool if bungie made them a hc mode. Let them all go jerk off to each other in there. Let the rest of us have fun using other guns.



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                  2 通の返信
                  • They’re harder to use than revoke or beloved or shotguns



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                  • I think the people that obsess over that HG/SG meta can’t stand anything else being viable. Autos have been so bad for so long it’s kinda nice to have them as an option. So -blam!- em.



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                    2 通の返信
                    • Right? Imagine this game takes skill lol



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                    • Don't mind autos being better. But what they did to hand cannons I don't agree with, some of the hand cannons anyway. 110s became useless since they shared the same ranges as their 150 counterparts. Slower rof weapons should have more range than the faster rof archetypes. They need something to help them compete otherwise people will just flock to the faster rof archetypes thus 150 rpms being the viable options. 110s should have kept their range. I'm happy to see that they're getting an rpm buff and their ranges returned to them. Ever since the exotic hand cannons ruled d1 year 1 people tend to shake in their boots when hand cannons get buffs. I don't want hand cannons to be the be all end all. I just want them to have a place and if it's possible to not limit them to one archetype that would be nice.



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                      1 返信
                      • So nerf fusion rifles?



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                      • Autos being user friendly isnt the problem, the fact that a user friendly weapon is also extremely potent is the problem. Mountaintop is a perfect example. Why use primarily that requires precision to have a decent TTk when you can body shot all day with 600 rpm auto with less hassle, better TTK, and better range? Imo I dont mind that archetype shredding players that effectively, the problem I have is the range that they can do it from is absurd.



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                        1 返信
                        • We need balance not metas. Auto rifles need nerfed alot more.



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                          8 通の返信
                          • Firfighter464により編集済み: 10/26/2020 2:39:41 PM
                            The only thing i would like to add is destiny has been a handcannon/ape easy game for a long time growing pains and whatnot but i just dislike how theres always a narrow meta its either 150 handcannon or 600 auto i would like a broader meta were everything is great in its range ttk is too low on everything why try to mid range pulse rifle when autos can do it aswell with way more forgiveness and a faster ttk maps need to be designed so autos and handcannons and shotguns can still close the gap and work in their proper range but pulse scouts and snipers can still be good in there field so people arnt running a shotty and auto hand cannon and sniper either way the game still leans heavy on special if all gun types had a defined effective range green bricks wouldnt matter nearly as much as they do dont get me wrong they should still matter so we dont go back to primary teamshots but aping and just being hardscoped shouldnt be the most effective method anymore



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                            3 通の返信
                            • I don't think anyone is calling for them to be useless. But... They're flat out broken. Their range now makes pulse rifles meaningless. I've been outgunned from Summoner from a guardian not moving at all when I'm strafing, using Mida and landing headshots quickly. Medium and Medium-short range? That's autos Long range? BS



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                              3 通の返信
                              • Why? Ego....status...and money. I'm a GenX gamer. So when I was growing up, gaming was something you largely did either by yourself, or with a group of good friends. Games were much smaller and simpler, so most people just focused on the fun of playing the game. The problem is that games are no longer that contained. They're now online and you're playing with thousands, if not millions of others. This has now brought a HUGE...and aspect to gaming. A problem that has been compounded by the money that e-sports and streaming have brought to gaming...and the directly competitive nature (pvp) of those games. So instead of just being about individual fun, you now have lots of people who are gaming for reasons that have nothing to do with having fun actually playing teh game. They're trying to achieve---or protect---perceived STATUS with a game's community or within their community of friends. Or they're trying to protect their business and income....or their path to said income. You see the same thing in sports as you get to the higher ranks of a given sport. Especially team sports, as (team) politics start to play a role in who does---and doesn't---get a shot. Or a starting job. But sports has a culture of sportsmanship...and FIXED rules that help to contain all this toxic competition and social drama. (As Hope Solo found out the hard way). The problem is that gaming has NONE of this. So when people can't win in the arena, they then start to try to "work the refs" to tip the playing field in their own favor. (Lets nerf that weapon or that play style that's frustrating my own. I'll play better without having to get better....or it'll give me an edge.) Lastly, devs have no incentive to try to enforce any of this. They're in the business of making and selling games. Not policing bad behavior, or playing nanny to unruly kids. Policing any of this beyond a certain bare minimum is goign to cost them money and customers.



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                                3 通の返信
                                • HC users are the ones that suffer and cry when they can't cheese easy kills. I think if you are avg. player you don't mind the meta changes and adapt and find stuff to use.



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                                  1 返信
                                  • The "I'm a skilled player and not going to use x weapon because it's for noobs" mentality is plain stupid. I don't care what weapon you use ... they are there to be used ... simple.



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                                    6 通の返信
                                    • It's not like any of the other primaries are exactly hard to begin with, so it just boils down to what people nitpick and are biased against. "Oh autos are scrub friendly weapons," meanwhile handcannons have some of the highest aim assist and bullet magnetism of any weapon type which removes most of the difficulty of aiming them even though that's one of the largest things people state is hard to do with them. Every weapon has something that is just outright cheesy and easy to use about them and besides playstyle any decent player could use one just like the other. Destiny isn't hard, it basically does all the work for all weapons.



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                                      1 返信
                                      • RIP 600 autos, its about time.



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                                      • I agree. People only use them because they are easy to use, and they deal good damage. I liked using hand cannons because you have to hit your shots, but I would not mind seeing a scout rifle meta at all



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                                        8 通の返信
                                        • Rule #1 of PvP: Call anything that kills you "no skill noob crutch" in hopes of (but always unsuccessfully) shaming people out of using them.



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