[i]Table of Contents of "For What It's Worth":
[i]Life is a farce, but no less reality.
Escape is always next door,
should you find yourself there.
Had you been inside the helm,
well, it went something like this.[/i]
π π π π π π π π π
[i]I went from going nowhere fast to Mach shit..
[b].. and the radio came back on.[/i][/b]
Wesley, my ghost, was thrown around like a tennisball.. caught by a deft left.
The one thing I did right was build that radio.
Two songs came on at once from burnt memory;
completely screwed together..
..but surprisingly on point.
I adjusted Wesley to a finger and thumb around his center, and eased on the accelerator with three fingers.
The Silver Seed spurred like a moth in the air, just hangin around for the ride.
All seemed realtively well, considering the latter.
but see, I had a new problem..
..the jump-drive could be heard.. spooling up.
Wherever this jump-drive was headed..
..I needed to be neither here, nor there.
As I was explaining before, this jump-drive engaged when at full-throttle.. though it takes a minute to prime.
This didn't make sense, though..
..I flipped open the fuse box..
..and I found my answer, closing it.
I [i]just[/i] had to jumpstart this ship,
and I [i]never[/i] fixed that discrepancy.
Sure, lightspeed will go far, and this jumpship could get the hell outta dodge, but someone's got to blow this horn.
[i]..and jumping in atmosphere would kill me.[/i]
Sparks broke free from where they could inside the cockpit. It broke my heart, knowing this damage was all me.
[i]'Merciless'[/i] had finally depleted, albeit on fire..
[i]..along with my hand.[/i]
[i]'The Tall Tale'[/i] was on its way out, and I could be gone with it.
The Drifter told me before, to scrap this for an RV, and see space in a long-haul.
This was built for that, and everything else.
[i]It wasn't supposed to go down like this.[/i]
I set Wesley down on the dash, and grabbed a cold canister from underneath the seat.
[i]'Operate with two hands.'[/i], the label read.
I shook my head.
All plain to see, this fusion rifle had burnt a new hole in my power port; not cool.
[i]It was practically welded to my dash.[/i]
Attempting to pull free, I was shocked.
[i]quite literally[/i]
It arced, breaking free of itself..
..in my hand.. and still in the port.
I observe [i]'Merciless'[/i] at-hand,
then [i]'Merciless'[/i] in-port.
[i]No one was going to believe this.[/i]
Gripping the pin between my teeth, I tear it free, dumping the entire contents of the extinguisher over [i]'Merciless'.[/i]
[i]..it was radiantly glowing.. ..and still on fire.[/i]
My glove, previously melted to [i]'Merciless'[/i]..
[i]..was now frozen.[/i]
[i]"Good grief."[/i]
Zavala once stated:
[i]"Void, Solar, Arc. It's no coincidence it came in this order, but there are bigger mysteries to solve at hand.[/i]
Then, I figured he was out of order..
..but right now, I had seen the light..
.. I thought I had lost it all.. but..
[i]I created a vaccuum..
..burnt it alive,
and just set it off.[/i]
Wasting no more time,
I rally the crew of my jump-ship.
[i]"Alright everybody, it's time to get out!
You can go home, but you can't stay here!"[/i]
This was heard, all around.
[i]it was just me, though[/i]
Snugging Wesley in my shirt pocket,
I turn to the seed, it patiently waiting,
and set it on top of my head.
[i]"You too, short-stop."[/i]
The song stopped..
..[i]and changed tracks[/i]
[i]30 seconds till blast-off[/i]
I hit the hatch release..
..slinged the acoustic..
..[i]and shouldered my trombone.[/i]
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[i]Next, in this series: