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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
10/6/2020 2:25:47 AM

Destiny Pentober Day 5

Day 5: Cabal Ash Parth waited outside of the forest which is five miles away from his little hut waiting on a package to come in. Dusk looked upwards and towards Parth again and asked, "So why are we waiting here again?" Parth looked towards Dusk and explained, "I already told you, we are meeting someone who should be here in about..." He checks his timer which was a classical pocket watch. "Now." All of a sudden, a Cabal dropship arrived which Parth looked up and was watching it land and the back of the ship opened a hatch. He and his Ghost made their way to the back to meet whoever Parth was supposed to meet while having a knife on his hand in case something goes wrong. No lie, Parth never trusts much. Even from other Shadows. What exited out of the haul was a Psion wearing some white and gold Loyalist garments along with a couple of other Loyalists who serve under Emperor Calus who are working like security is Parth tries anything. In front of Ash Parth was one of the strongest and wisest Psions who gave some details about the Sundial during the Inotam incident when helping a Guardian get her Title of Savior. Parth grumbled to this Psion that he should've gotten Inotam's cloak or the three sisters who united to become Inotam which he would've loved to wear them like the old days. The name of this Psion was named Neuro Rah, who was part of the Council Emperor Calus made for the Psions and Neuro Rah was appointed as one of his Shadows. Since Parth slain many of the Beloved by Calus in the Menagerie, Neuro Rah was interested in him and Calus appeared before Parth and made him one fo the Guardian Shadows of Earth. When the stance between everyone has settled down, Parth and Nauro Rah eyed toward each other and Parth spoke first and said, "So, old man, what brings one of the Council of Emperor Calus over here after I'd gotten your call?" Neuro Rah cleared his throat and answered, "My Emperor wishes to inform you that the Leviathan will soon leave. Meaning that you won't see much of us for a while." Parth raised a brow and asked curiously on why. "He tells me that the Darkness you and the other Guardians all over the galaxy has piqued an interest and was thinking... 'Maybe my Shadows are heading towards a darker path. Will they bring ruin? Or will they bring order?' That is as much as I can deliver his words to you. But don't feel down and about, Shadow Parth, for you are one of the Emperor's beloved Shadows. He even wishes for you to trend lightly." Neuro Rah called for a couple of more Legionary Loyalists to deliver a heavy chest glittered in gold and covered in jewels and he says, "His last gift, Shadow Parth. Now trend carefully. And may his Majesty pray that you take the path of order." With that done, Neuro Rah and his bodyguards went back to the dropship and they departed. All Parth can do is watch over the dropship exiting the atmosphere and there was now none. When Dusk went over to the chest and scans it, he asked, "What do you think that was about?" As Parth went to the chest and looks over it, thinking about the message Emperor Calus' messenger was telling him, he can only say, "Who knows. My best guess that more danger might come. And I can definitely look forward to it." When he finished, he covered the chest up with a tarp and leaves alongside Dusk. He was gonna have to call someone to give him a hand with this chest at the next day. For now, it might be the last time Ash Parth would have a conversation with Neuro Rah. A Shadow to Shadow conversation when that time comes.



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