[BNG] Season of Arrivals Top Issues and Vital Info – Updated October 8
[b]This is not a complete list of all known issues, but a targeted list of specific issues.[/b][/quote]
[i]Last Updated: October 8, 2020[/i]
[quote]• [url=/en/Help/Article/48179]Official Article for Top Issues and Vital Information[/url]
• [url=/en/Help/Article/48484]Triumphs and Achievements Vital Information and Known Issues[/url]
• [url=/en/Help/Article/46684]PC Known Issues[/url][/quote]
• [b]XBOX players who pre-ordered Destiny 2: Beyond Light[/b] need to highlight D2 on the Dashboard, click "Manage game & add-ons" and install the Beyond Light items in the "Ready to install" area. Then, relaunch D2 and view the Cryptarch's inventory in the Tower to claim the pre-order items.
• [b]Season Passes[/b] will be applied to the first account that signs in. If you plan to Cross Save but will use another character set, it's recommended to set up Cross Save before logging in. For more information, [url=/CrossSave]click here[/url].
• [b]Universal Ornaments[/b] will only appear on certain Legendary armor pieces called Armor 2.0. These armor pieces will show an Energy cost on them.
• Players with the [b]“Red on Red” Crucible Quest[/b] will need to reach the Mythic Valor rank to complete the “Unfurl the Banner” quest step, not the Fabled Valor rank.
• Dismantling an [b]Umbral Engram[/b] will not give any rewards.
• If a player's [b]engram inventory[/b] is full when decrypting Umbral Engrams, a legendary engram may go to the Postmaster instead of the item going to a player's inventory.
• Players who dismantle the [b]Season of Arrivals intro quest[/b] can reacquire it from Zavala.
• Boss kills will grant bonus progression for the [b]Scornful Shadow, Bloodied Legion, Delete Executable, and Breakin' some Taken[/b] Prismatic Recaster Daily Bounties.
• Players will be blocked from completing the [b]Prismatic Recaster weekly ritual loop[/b] if previously completed on a character of the same class earlier that week.
• [b]Seasonal consumables[/b] will be deleted when the Season of Arrivals ends.
• Error codes [b]ANTEATER, RABBIT[/b].
• Chests at the end of the [b]Haunted Forest activity[/b] from Festival of the Lost are incorrectly dropping gear at 750 Power.
• Currently, our API is not showing proper weapon perk roll combinations on the [b]Braytech Werewolf Assault Rifle[/b] from Festival of the Lost. This weapon can roll with the following perks:
• Slideshot
• Dynamic Sway Reduction
• Underdog
• Mulligan
• Under Pressure
• Fourth Time’s the Charm
• Unrelenting
• Swashbuckler
• Elemental Capacitor
• Tap the Trigger
• Eye of the Storm
• Vorpal Weapon
• The lower half of the [b]Warlock Blood Lineage Robes Universal Armor Ornament[/b] from the Festival of the Lost event will experience a visual texture error at the launch of Beyond Light. This issue will be resolved in a patch soon after release
• [b]Shaders[/b] do not properly apply to the Majestic and Magnificent Robes, Cloaks, and Marks from the Solstice of Heroes event.
• The [b]Pyramid Ships[/b] are not all appearing on the Director map
• Players can no longer gain [b]Clan XP[/b].
• The [b]Seasons tab of the Director[/b] will flash to indicate an available reward when none are there.
• Some players may not receive rewards from [b]Garden of Salvation encounter chests[/b].
• Some players may not receive progress on [b]Crucible and Iron Banner quests and bounties[/b].
• When using [b]HDR[/b], the Brightness Slider doesn't appear to work, and dark areas are hard to see.
• Players running Destiny with an [b]integrated graphics card[/b] may encounter gameplay performance issues if the integrated graphics card does not meet the minimum required PC specs. They may also notice that the Titan symbol on Destiny loading screens has a triangle facing the wrong way.
• Players whose [b]Forsaken licenses[/b] did not transfer from Blizzard to Steam should retry [url=/PCMove]PC Migration[/url]. Additionally, some players experiencing this issue may need to log into Destiny 2 on Steam before retrying migration.
• Receiving [b]"Problem Reading Game Content"[/b] errors after [url=https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335]verifying the integrity of game files[/url].
• The [b]Executor's Will and Steadfast Hunter faction ornaments[/b] cannot be equipped because the rank requirement is from Season 3.
• The [b]Point of the Stag bow[/b] has the incorrect infusion cap
• The Seasonal [b]Energy Converter mod[/b] is not working as intended
• The [b]Font of Light[/b] armor mod description does not match its effect
• The [b]Anti-Barrier mod[/b] prevents Explosive head and other explosive damage on bows
• The masterworked [b]Trinity Ghoul exotic bow[/b] is not tracking enemies defeated using chain lightning damage.
• If [b]Phoenix Cradle[/b] boots are equipped, the Sun Warrior buff doesn't work with Sunspots from enemy kills
• When holding a sword, the ability to [b]regenerate melee ability[/b] won't work for any class.
• The [b]Wealth of the Emperor buff[/b] does not go away, even if the chalice is perfected
• The [b]Shock-Storm Prismatic Recaster Daily Bounty[/b] will not progress with Warlock’s Ball Lightning ability
• The [b]Forged in Fire Crucible badge[/b] cannot be obtained
• [b]The Corrupted Nightfall: The Ordeal[/b] has inconsistent respawn locations, causing players to spawn out of bounds.
• Dying to Environmental Hazards or The Architects will sometimes show a [b]recommended Power Level[/b] of 1880947200.