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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
9/4/2020 6:46:39 PM

Will auto rifles be adjusted?

So now that we're about two seasons into the auto rifle meta, will there be any adjustment to autos? They're way more powerful than they should be for many reasons. They have no drawbacks whatsoever. We have let autos run around the crucible for a really long time and it's frustrating becuase instead of insentivizing your players to spend time to get better at the game to get the most out of their primary, (to use something more skill based like a handcannon) They just hand out free autorifles that do the job for you. They have no drawbacks whatsoever and I'm getting worried about what is going to happen if they don't fix autos. The crucible has been plagued with mountaintops and gnawing hungers lately and instead of insentivizing skill they give out guns that do all of the work for you and it just isn't fun a all. I think that every gun should have a place and I feel as the easiest gun to use it should be autos job to introduce new players to the game but to eventually be grown past to pick up another gun. There should never be a time where the easiest to use gun also has the best range and TTK than other types of guns, because what happens is a ton of people running around like headless chickens holding left click for a tenth of a second racking up kills despite not putting any thought into what they're doing, and not trying to better themselves at the game. Your place in the crucible should be about how good you are, not what weapon you use. Autos need to be adjusted to not be a be all end all gun. They need to take a place in the sandbox, they cannont be allowed to continue to dominate the sandbox. Below is a chart to break down what I mean. For example: Bows; Pros: Range, Impact damage. Cons: Drawtime, ineffective at close range. Scouts; Pros: Long range, Cons: Terrible Close Quarters SMG; Pros: Very effective close quarters, Cons: Terrible at range Sidarms; Pros: Very effective close quarters and slightly precision based, Cons: Terrible at range Pulse; Pros: Good Performance at Moderate Ranges. Cons: Extreme close or far situations are uncomfortable for effective use HandCannon; Pros: Cons: Need Trigger Discipline, Unforgiving. AutoRifle; Pros: Kills Quickest. Easiest weapon to use. Most forgiving weapon. Massive amounts of range. Easier to benefit from damage perks. Cares less about flinch. Cons:



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • “We have let autos run around for a very long time? Dude autos got buffed like not even a year ago and we had to suffer through a hand canon meta for like 2 years😂. Autos have no drawbacks 😂 except they’re scatter and the further out the harder it is to hit headshots. My man there are quit a few players that will absolutely sh*t on a God rolled Gnawing hunger with Lunas or the last word. Last word is more meta than any God rolled gnawing hunger. Literally a meta machine with a .5 time 2 kill. Autos are as equal to hand canons as they can get. If they nerf autos than PvP will be broken because hand canons will be unstoppable. They would have to buff pulse rifles and make new rapid fire pulses since all of them are being sunsetted. If you have a problem with autos than its 100% a player issue not a weapon issue. Learn how to play the maps, don’t run out in the open and stick by your teammates. There are players that could outgun any auto with the crappiest gun in the game because they know how to play. The problem is players don’t want to learn how to get better they just want their favorite gun to shoot and win every fight. Doesn’t work that way buddy.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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