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8/5/2020 7:48:22 AM

Which is the best game Developer?





Digital Extremes(Warframe)






What company do you feel is the best Game Developer and why do you feel that way? Personally I am a huge fan of Digital Extremes and Warframe: They communicate really well with their fanbase and take the wants of their community into account when making new content. D.E. has been running Warframe as a free to play game for many years and has thus far done a far superior job of it than Bungie has once they moved to New Light and their seasonal model. Bungie does not seem to communicate with its fans enough nor take the wants of their community into enough consideration when designing new content. PvP and PvE in Warframe are balanced separately with mods being unique to each mode and powers functioning differently depending on which mode your in. Which allows for amazing OP powers in PvE while also maintaining a decent PvP experience. D.E. some times uses fan concepts as cosmetics and here recently with the aid of their fans even allowed them to give their opinions on the creation of an upcoming Frame. D.E. has a far superior in game store in Warframe, offering Microtransactions of things people actually want and will actually pay for. They keep themselves afloat with Platinum Purchases and don't rely on paid DLC or seasonal content the way Bungie does. I feel Eververse needs vast improvements and more variety so that Bungie can move away from paid DLC and into actual free to play territory. One tip, they could, I don't know ask fans what types of things they'd like to see sold at Eververse to improve Silver sales. If D2 was more like Warframe I feel it would prove to be a much better experience overall. D.E. is a team of about 80 or so people who have kept that company running like a well oiled steam engine. Bungie probably has some where around 400 or more employees, yet in the past have claimed to be overworked or that content creation is hard, Meanwhile at D.E. they have introduced free roam zones to a game that wasn't originally designed to support it, they added ship to ship combat, and remastered entire old zones. They also don't charge for updates or make people pay to play seasonal content.
#Offtopic #poll



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • TheArtistにより編集済み: 8/5/2020 1:28:10 PM
    What kind of game are we talking about? Bungie is best at shooters and action games. Blizzard is the best at RPG (though Overwatch is a good “hero shooter). Digital Extremes is the best at blending action game and RPG. Bethesda is good at storytelling but their game play is dated and terrible. Once you start talking about other kinds of game, then other devs step up. Ubisoft is still the best at open-world games, but Guerilla Game’s Horizon: Zero Dawn is equal to anything Ubisoft has done.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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