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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
7/27/2020 11:36:32 PM

BUNGiE Sucks (And Im nt only1 tht tnks so: Google images for BUNGiE Sucks)

Playing Crucible really makes me dislike this game. There are so many cheaters. And let's assume for a second that they aren't (all) cheaters; that maybe I just suck. OK, so. Should I HAVE to play a game that I don't like to get pinnacle, or unique gear? The answer, my friends, is NO. NO ONE who PAYS for the game should have to play ANY portion(s) of the game they don't like in order to obtain ANY of the schwag/stuff/items/weapons/gear/mods/armor/etc. from the game (you make the freeloading players do that). We (PAYING players) SHOULD be able to grind ALL of the gear in other parts of the game (like every other pay to win game). Let's be perfectly honest. I almost NEVER play Crucible. I NEVER play trials. Why? Because I HATE them. If this game ONLY offered those play styles, I wouldn't play. I would find another game to PAY for. I am PAYING BUNGiE. I am a PAYING customer. Bungie is a business...assumedly they want to make MONEY. Usually, companies that like MONEY, treat the customer as ALWAYS being right. Which means that if I want a Whopper, they make it MY way, NOT their way. Companies that like making MONEY usually don't say "What, you don't like pickles? -blam!- you, eat it, and PAY me!" Because that is very impolite, and many PAYING customers will not like it, and will take their money SOMEWHERE ELSE!!! Why is it that BUNGiE is always trying to shove their pickles down our throats? Just a thought, not a sermon. P.S.: I am REALLY talking to BUNGiE executives and content managers, not Destiny 2 players - but I do believe that my views represent many BUNGiE customers



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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