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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
7/14/2020 3:48:20 AM


Ok so i have idea i think would be fun what if we get a elemental flamethrower? Since we have fire why don't we make a power weapon that's basically a flamethrower. I could see it used in pve however pvp could be different(could be op or could be weak) personally i just want one because it sounds badass but i think adding these types of weapons could be fun for alot of people. However I'd like to go into it's stats now A impact of 0. [would that make sense for a flamethrower] I'd say give it a mid to low range. [flamethrowers can shoot up to 100 meters but that sounds op] I'm unshure about stability but I'd say mid to high. Handling should be high to mid. Low reloading speed. And a magazine of 200 [or would 100 be better] I am unshure about weapon perks as i am a not that good at the game and haven't really played in a while Overall I'd say it'd just be nice to have a flamethrower



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