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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
SandCarnival198により編集済み: 6/25/2020 6:17:15 PM

Can we get a crucible game mode without special weapons???

Before anyone says that I must not be good with special weapons to ask for this , I’ll let you know that I’m very well rounded in all special weapons , hell you’ve probably saw me chasing down a roaming super to get that headshot , or saw me using a gunnora’s axe beating out an backup plan erentil. I have videos for anyone that wants proof The thing is I’m tired of what special weapons do to the game modes, I’ve literally seen people play whole crucible matches with mountain tops , or another special weapon never swapping to a primary weapon, that’s not the purpose of them , I’m tired of seeing shot gunners crouching behind walls waiting for you , or the sniper who doesn’t leave his spawn aiming down their scope the whole time, these are the two biggest examples, but I’m sure you can fit grenade launchers and fusion rifles in here somewhere. The thing I’m asking for isn’t that crazy , I know there are others who would appreciate this idea of mine , just give a pvp game mode where specials aren’t allowed , even if only it’s a weekend thing like trials or something Idc. If anyone reads this please feel free to debate or add some insight



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