So i currently have a completely full inventory of Umbral engrams and after finally getting access to the decoder i CANNOT claim the engram hes trying to give me and cant finish the quest / decode anything. There is no option discard / dismantle any of the umbral engrams in my inventory and at this point im locked in this quest step.
Here are some screenshots,
I'm having the same issue. I'm full, can't accept one from drifter from doing the public event quest step, can't delete, can't turn in... Pretty much stuck.
When you say you cannot dismantle them, are you holding the button in to dismantle or there's just no dismantle prompt at all? Can you please share a screenshot of you hovering over one in your inventory?
I just checked other posts, and asked my bud going through the same issue. Im no bungie dev, so i could be wrong, but it appears that filling up on engrams, before grabbing drifters new quest, causes the bug.