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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
6/9/2020 9:24:50 AM

The Valkyrian/Luxe ornaments are ugly

I don't know if it's just me but the seasonal ornaments this season, as of season 10 are ugly. And the Luxe sets dont look good either, for the titan as n female titan it just looks out of proportion, as male you look too bulky and the actual design is just really bad. the only semi-good luxe set is for the hunter but that doesn't really tickle my childish desire to love it. I bought the season pass like i do almost every season, but in comparison to the Empyrean set, this is bad, the luxe sets aswell. I know Bungie don't have the man power they used to have but atleast if the season is gonna be bad and nothing to do atleast keep the Eververse/season pass things to a good expectation.



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