For more of my posts, check out my [url=]Master Post[/url].
Kells are the rulers of the Eliksni Houses; royalty chosen from their connection to noble blood and from support within their respective House, as well as by defeating any other claimants to the throne. Unmatched in cleverness and strength and with larger rations of Ether, they are deadlier than any other Eliksni. Kells are some of the most vicious and dangerous enemies a Guardian could ever face, and very few enemies have proven to be deadlier.
So far we know of 17 Kells, but there are potentially as many as 20 in lore (the potential 3 are marked with *)
Chelchis, Kell of Stone
Craask, Kell of Kings
Draksis, Kell of Winter
Drifis the Daring
Eramis, Kell of Darkness
Mara Sov
Misraaks (Mithrax, the Forsaken)
Skolas, the Rabid
Solkis, Kell of Devils
Veliniks, the Ravenous
Virixas, Kell of Wolves
Mystery Kell 1
Mystery Kell 2
Mystery Kell 3
Mystery Kell 4
Mystery Kell 5
*Mystery Kell 6
*Mystery Kings Kell
*Kell’s Grave
This is the second page of the list. For information on the other known Kells, visit [url=]Page 1[/url] & [url=]Page 3[/url]
[b]Mara Sov:[/b]
[i]A.K.A. Kell of Wolves; Marakel; Queen of the Awoken[/i]
Mara is the only non-Eliksni Kell.
During the Battle of Twilight Gap the House of Wolves amassed in the Reef, preparing to help the other Houses crush the Last City. Mara Sov’s fleet met them. Mara Sov declared her nobility and used the Harbingers to annihilate half of House Wolves, killing their Kell.
Then the Reef Wars began. Several Wolves battled for Kellship while combating the Awoken. Eventually Skolas became the Kell of Wolves and focused his House on attacking the Awoken.
When Skolas was first captured at the end of the Reef Wars, Variks declared Mara Sov the new Kell of Wolves because of her claim to royalty and defeat of the Wolves. Many Wolves knelt to her and called her Marakel.
At one point Mara upset the Nine and sent them Skolas as a gift. Skolas was freed by the Nine and declared himself the Kell of Kells. The Wolves, bound by honor, betrayed Mara for their rightful Kell. Mara recruited The Guardian to kill what was left of the Wolves leadership, including Skolas.
Then Mara was killed by Oryx and became Ascendant. She was thought to be truly dead until recently and no longer actively rules over the broken Awoken and Wolves, but some Wolves and Variks still see her as their Kell.
[url=]WANTED: Skolas, Kell of Kells[/url]
[url=]WANTED: Saviks, Queenbreaker[/url]
[url=]House of Wolves[/url]
[i]A.K.A. Mithrax, the Forsaken[/i]
Misraaks, called “Mithrax” by humans, is known by many members of the Destiny community as “The Friendly Fallen.”
As a Vandal, he was captured by Sjur Eido and taken to the Dreaming City. He was ashamed and furious at having been captured, but Sjur attempted to make peace with him using her knowledge of the Eliksni and friendly personality. He became an associate of the Awoken and Sjur. After a battle between the Awoken and the Houses of Devils and Wolves, Misraaks found a female hatchling from Devils in a crashed Skiff. We don’t know what happened to the hatchling afterwards.
The Guardian later encounters Misraaks, a Captain of House Dusk, and saves him from a Hive Knight. In return, Misraaks gives The Guardian the reactor that The Guardian is after before departing. Misraaks then joins a Hunter and a Warlock and they travel together. Misraaks speaks with them about the Eliksni and plans on becoming the Kell of a new House allied with Humanity. It is his personal belief that Humanity deserves the Traveler. It seems he was originally from House Wolves, because he spoke of them personally, but this hasn’t been confirmed.
Misraaks left messages throughout the system to gather likeminded Eliksni, and has even assembled a crew. He hid in a basement at The Farm and aided us in stopping Eramis’s followers at the Tower in Zero Hour.
There are now rumors that his new House is called the House of Light.
[url=]Enemy of my Enemy: Data Requisition[/url]
[url=]Enemy of my Enemy: Chances and Choices[/url]
[url=]The Queenbreaker[/url]
[b]Skolas, the Rabid:[/b]
[i]A.K.A. Kell of Wolves; Kell of Kells; Traitor Kell[/i]
Skolas was a Lieutenant of the House of Wolves. When Virixas died, new claimants to the Kellship arose: Irxis, Wolf Baroness; Parixas, the Howling; and Skolas.
During the Reef Wars, these three claimants battled between themselves and against the Awoken. At the end of the Reef Wars, Skolas was the last of the claimants and became the Kell of Wolves. He attacked the Awoken, eventually switching to terrorist tactics. Skolas went to attack Cybele, but Variks had told the Queen of Skolas’s plan and Skolas was captured.
Later, the Queen sent her Crows into the Jovians, upsetting the Nine. To appease them, she gave them Skolas. The Nine released Skolas and he declared himself the Kell of Kells. He attempted to unite the Houses under the Wolves and experimented with Vex technology, attacking the Vault of Glass and the Citadel.
At the Citadel, Skolas tried bringing the House of Wolves through time. Through the Time Gates he witnessed the coming of Oryx and the Nine’s goals. Then The Guardian captured Skolas once more. In the Prison of Elders, The Guardian killed Skolas once and for all.
[url=]Ghost Fragment: Fallen 3[/url]
[url=]Gone to Ground[/url]
[url=]Mystery: Fate of Skolas[/url]
[url=]Wolves’ Gambit[/url]
[url=]Queen’s Ransom[/url]
[url=]Skolas’ Revenge[/url]
[b]Solkis, Kell of Devils:[/b]
The Kell of the House of Devils, Solkis led his House to become a terror on Earth and to Humanity. He eventually brought the Houses together and organized the Fallen attack at the Battle of Twilight Gap, called the Final Attempt by the Fallen. The Devils spearheaded the attack. After the battle, Saint-14 went on a crusade against the House of Devils. In the end Solkis nearly killed Saint-14, but the Titan won by piercing the Kell’s head with his helmet while being crushed in the Kell’s grip.
[url=]House of Devils[/url]
[url=]Legend: Saint-14[/url]
[i]A.K.A. Variks, the Loyal; the Kell; the Slip; the Beggar; the Kell-Maker; the Spark; Variks Less-Than-Dreg[/i]
Variks was a scribe and is the last of the House of Judgement, dedicated to the survival of his House and the Eliksni. He survived the Whirlwind and was disgusted by the Eliksni’s fall to hatred afterward. After the Whirlwind he served several Houses and Primes, offering guidance as an adviser.
During the Reef Wars Variks served the Wolves, namely Skolas as the Kell of Wolves. When Skolas started terrorizing the Awoken, Variks could take no more and betrayed the Wolves, leading to the capture of Skolas and the end of the Reef Wars. He then declared Mara Sov the Kell of Wolves. When Skolas returned and the Wolves betrayed Mara Sov, Variks remained and dubbed himself Variks, the Loyal.
Everyone looked down on him, but he remained loyal to the Queen as he tried to rebuild his House, even after the Queen’s supposed death at the hands of Oryx.
He made attempts to reunite the Eliksni, but lost hope when he learned of the death of the Kell of Kings.
When Uldren was captured by Petra after terrorizing the Reef, the Prince appealed to Variks. Uldren used Variks’ loyalty to the Queen to convince Variks to free Uldren.
Variks left the Prison of Elders as the breakout began, set on rebuilding his House. He declared himself the Kell of House Judgement. The Awoken and City want to capture and question him. His current whereabouts are unknown, but there are unconfirmed reports that he is with Eramis’s faction on RZ-724. If he is there he is most likely a prisoner, because he and Eramis have very different views and goals, but the situation could be more complex than we expect.
[url=]Variks, the Loyal[/url]
[url=]Most Loyal[/url]
[url=]Rimed Shell[/url]