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Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Grays_KS27により編集済み: 9/5/2020 7:04:25 PM

[LORE] Kells, Page 3

For more of my posts, check out my [url=]Master Post[/url]. Kells are the rulers of the Eliksni Houses; royalty chosen from their connection to noble blood and from support within their respective House, as well as by defeating any other claimants to the throne. Unmatched in cleverness and strength and with larger rations of Ether, they are deadlier than any other Eliksni. Kells are some of the most vicious and dangerous enemies a Guardian could ever face, and very few enemies have proven to be deadlier. So far we know of 17 Kells, but there are potentially as many as 20 in lore (the potential 3 are marked with *) Chelchis, Kell of Stone Craask, Kell of Kings Draksis, Kell of Winter Drifis the Daring Eramis, Kell of Darkness Mara Sov Misraaks (Mithrax, the Forsaken) Skolas, the Rabid Solkis, Kell of Devils Variks Veliniks, the Ravenous Virixas, Kell of Wolves Mystery Kell 1 Mystery Kell 2 Mystery Kell 3 Mystery Kell 4 Mystery Kell 5 *Mystery Kell 6 *Mystery Kings Kell *Kell’s Grave This is the third page of the list. For information on the other known Kells, visit [url=]Page 1[/url] & [url=]Page 2[/url] _______________________________________ [b]Veliniks, the Ravenous:[/b] [i]A.K.A. Kell of Wolves[/i] When Skolas was captured at the Cybele Uprising, the Reef Wars ended and Variks declared Mara Sov the new Kell of Wolves. Many Wolves knelt to the Queen, but some refused to admit the war was over. Veliniks rallied other Wolves under his banner as the Kell of Wolves. But before he could attack the Reef, Petra Venj hunted him down and captured him. He later escaped the Prison of Elders and served Skolas. He was eventually killed outside the Hellmouth by The Guardian. [url=]WANTED: Veliniks, the Ravenous[/url] [b]Virixas, Kell of Wolves:[/b] Described as being practical and brave, Virixas was the Kell of Wolves before the Battle of Twilight Gap. When the Fallen began their assault on the Last City, Virixas gathered his entire House -a massive fleet and a host of hundreds of thousands if not millions- in the Reef, next to Ceres. The Awoken sent their much smaller fleet out to stop him. Virixas suspected a trap, but saw no possible way the Awoken could defeat him. He demanded Mara Sov surrender, offering to let them live and only take their ships and tech. Mara Sov unleashed the Harbingers, tearing through the Wolf fleet and destroying Ceres. Virixas died along with more than half of his House. This event is called the Scatter. [url=]Ghost Fragment: Fallen 4[/url] [b]Mystery Kell 1:[/b] In the lore entry of a Destiny 1 gun called Does Not Bow, a story is told of an Eliksni who was docked by a Kell. He built himself new arms then killed the Kell with them (Does Not Bow was a reward from the Taniks Strike, so this docked Eliksni is speculated to be Taniks, the Scarred, but this has not been confirmed). [url=]Does Not Bow[/url] [b]Mystery Kell 2:[/b] In the Saharan Contested Zone (supposedly during the Dark Ages), a Kell was killed by an unknown person called the Red Moon Phantom. The Phantom was hinted to be a woman named Enitan, who was hinted to be a Risen). Red Moon Phantom gear: [url=]Vest[/url] [url=]Mask[/url] [url=]Steps[/url] [url=]Grips[/url] [url=]Cloak of Five Moons[/url] [b]Mystery Kell 3:[/b] In the Tescan Valley, Rezyl Azzir once encountered a Ketch bearing House banners that he didn’t recognize. He lured out the Kell by attacking the Fallen and getting blasted by the Ketch’s cannons and dying. The Kell came down from its Ketch to claim Rezyl’s corpse as a prize, but Rezyl’s Ghost revived the Titan in the Kell’s hands and Rezyl killed it. There is an interesting theory that this Kell was from House Winter, though there is very little evidence and no real proof. The Tescan Valley is in Ecuador, and some of Rahool’s idle dialogue mentions House Winter nearby in Caracas, Venezuela. “House Winter, from the ruins of Caracas. Were they there at the Collapse?” So it is possible that Winter was at some point active in this area, and Rezyl may have encountered them. House Winter was primarily based on Venus, but they have been present in other locations such as Iceland. [url=]Rezyl Azzir - War Without End[/url] [url=]Tescan Valley Winter theory[/url] [b]Mystery Kell 4:[/b] At some point after Oryx came to the system, a Gunslinger Hunter encountered a Kell. It killed him with its bare hands. We don’t know who won the fight, but we do know that the Hunter couldn’t count very well and the Kell’s breath smelled like “two corpses in summer.” [url=]Gunslinger[/url] [b]Mystery Kell 5:[/b] In the flavor text of a bounty, Zavala teases us with a story of how he, Ikora and Cayde killed a Kell with only a Rocket Launcher and two magazines. [url=]Power Move[/url] [b]*Mystery Kell 6:[/b] When the Awoken were riven a second time, many left the Reef to aid humanity. A Fallen Baron followed their trail and laid siege to the Awoken’s new home, nearly wiping them out. This Baron, greedy for his prize, didn’t notify his Kell of the Awoken’s location so the Kell did not learn of this development and didn’t get involved. We don’t know what House this Kell and Baron were from, so it’s most likely a Kell we’ve already heard of. But there’s a possibility that it’s a Kell that’s entirely new to us, so it’s on this list as another potential Kell. [url=]Revanche V[/url] [url=]Telic I[/url] [b]*Mystery Kings Kell:[/b] Shortly before the Battle of Twilight Gap, Cayde-6 spotted the Kell of Kings on the move. Most likely this was Craask, the final Kell of Kings. However, it is possible that this was Craask’s predecessor, so we will take that into consideration and mark it as a potential Kell. [url=]Fall of Osiris[/url] [b]*Kell’s Grave:[/b] Kell’s Grave is a location, not an actual Kell. This Gambit map is a part of the Tangled Shore. But because this location is named such, we can insinuate that a Kell either died here directly or died elsewhere and this place became their grave. This could be a Kell we’ve never heard of before, or it could even be one we have heard of. For example, this could be where the wreckage of Wolf Kell Virixas’s Ketch came to rest after he was killed in the Scatter. But the truth is a mystery to us, so it’s labeled as a potential Kell.



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