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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
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Erienaにより編集済み: 4/4/2020 7:04:33 PM

This Needs To STOP Please Read

So, I have recently been kicked from my clan with several other members due to how we called out on how one of the clan admins would DDoS people in order to get his Trials wins, me and some of the other clan mates thought nothing of it at first as he never told us what was going on and would just play it off like he was carried. When we found out about this through looking at his stats we decided to wait and see what would become of it as we knew that this was a bannable offence in the ToS. He then started to offer other clan mates this, so me and the other clan mates that I mentioned exposed him to the clan as we didn't want any of our clan mates to be banned. We then started talking to him about how unethical it was, we tried to explain how hard it can be sometimes to get to that flawless game. I from experience have been the victim of DDoS on multiple occasions and it had made me very frustrated. When this was going on he was threatening to ban us from the Discord and remove us from the clan, he had wiped a whole Discord Text Channel so that people wouldn't see that we found out that he would DDoS. He then left on his own accord from shame and embarrassment from both the Discord and the Clan. Today me and the other clan members that helped expose him found out we had been banned from both the clan and the clan's discord. We had someone in the Discord who told us what they were saying, it seems that this clan condones cheating, this can be backed up with what the clan founder said about it. I am warning everyone to stay away from both [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] as they condone cheating and will ban members for following the guidelines of the ToS and trying to make the game better. Please just stay away from these clans (they are 2 branches) I have all the evidence and I will gladly provide it to anyone who asks just message me on discord the key members are [REDACTED] Check his Trials Stats This type of behaviour is not okay and is why the current state of destiny is so poor so I’m making this forum to bring light to the DDOs and let’s get something done about it



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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