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オリジナルの投稿元: My problem with titans in pvp.
4/2/2020 3:49:16 PM
I stopped reading at bottom tree sentinel, you understand that the shoulder charge can shutdown supers right? All you need to do is hit them and their out and suppressed. As well that super gets 2 shields to throw I believe, do you know how good the tracking on those things are? I played trials and it bounced off like 4 walls just to hit me, it has constant tracking and it can be spammed, in CQC maps it tears (like wormhaven). As well suppressors are probably the most powerful grenade in the game with the ability to SHUTDOWN supers, you can be hit by the AoE effect but still take no damage, you can hide behind crates and you will still be hit. How is there no neutral game? It has better neutral game then top and middle since they both require kills to do anything bottom doesn’t. Maybe bottom tree sunbreaker isnt that useful but thats because how OP top tree is in PvP, the mini hanmers that come out of your main hammer are just as strong, and you have a shoulder charge. I dunno where you get the idea that titans are weak



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