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Lord Magrisにより編集済み: 3/30/2020 3:56:46 PM

Repost: Verity's Brow Sometimes Bugs Out (Edited With Another Relatable Issue Regarding Buffs That Can Stack)

I play on Xbox, no Cross-Save. I cannot replicate this glitch. I've tried a variety of things, but I don't know how it's triggered. It just happens and gets a little bit annoying. What happens is that the Death Throes buff that Verity's Brow is supposed to grant on energy weapon kills stops stacking up sometimes and instead just refreshes whatever stack it is currently on. It seems to be rare, but I've had it happen a handful of times and it does impact the exotic in a bad way. I've seen it get stuck at 1 stack and 2 stacks and the grenade charge rate and damage are capped with it. I've also seen it get stuck at '0 stacks,' where the buff just doesn't show up at all and energy weapon kills don't increase grenade recharge or damage. I say it gets stuck at 0 stacks because if I wait for around the regular time that the buff would wear off, it can start being stacked up again. I tend to run this exotic with Devour and the Charged with Light mechanic with High-Energy Fire on my Warlock a lot, so I don't know if any of that has anything to do with it not working sometimes. I've tried timing my kills in the Tribute Hall to when the buff would wear out, stacking multiple buffs with my build, doing both at once even. I can't find a way to trigger it. All I know is that it can happen in areas with other Guardians or by yourself. EDIT: This bug might not just revolve around Verity's Brow. I just witnessed the Rampage weapon perk experience the same issue getting stuck at '0 stacks.' I was using the curated Kindled Orchid with Rampage (plus Rampage Spec) and Kill Clip when I noticed this. I was slaughtering a lot of Vex in The Orrery Lost Sector on Nessus and normally with Rampage x1 and Kill Clip active I could one-tap Goblins in the body. While they just kept coming at me, Rampage ran out in the middle of it and I killed another enemy to reload and get the Rampage and Kill Clip combo going again. But then I wasn't one-tapping them in the body at effective range. Only Kill Clip was active, I noticed. After killing a couple more Vex, I stopped killing them and waited a couple of seconds. After waiting for a moment, the next kill activated Rampage again. Same issue but different perk. What Death Throes and Rampage both have in common is that they can stack up higher than x1, so I think there's something up with the stacking system. I'm wondering if it's another thing caused by connection issues. The servers have been weird with Iron Banner going on.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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