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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
3/26/2020 3:01:41 AM

Why is no one talking about the servers?

Hey guys, I know that there's a lot bad about this season. Well, to be honest basically all of it sucked. But, I really did think we'd be talking about the awful servers more? I get that my "Moderate NAT" type internet is somehow "bad". But I have 0 issues on any other game. And have had 0 issues with Destiny (until they changed how the "back end" works) Apparently, they've (and this explanation is super simplified, and potentially wrong) "meshed" your connection to steam. So, basically - if someone tries to snag your IP; they get steams IP. Okay, cool, you stopped DDoSing. But now I don't even need some butthurt kid with a subscription to boot me offline. You guys do that for them. There was A LOT wrong with trials. And I mean A LOT. Rampant Hackers, people cheesing it, Hardlight and Revoker spam, ect, ect, ect. But, in my opinion - the worst of all. The servers. I'm a pretty alright PvP player. I have some pretty alright PvP friends. We can definitely go flawless. And we did. But oh my lord, the DCs were brutal. Here's how my first experience went. 4 wins, dc, reset card. 4 wins, dc, play out the card even though we lost mercy. On game 7, dc. Reset card, game 7, dc, go against G1 (and obviously lose), reset card. Win 7 games (yay!). Go for the triumph that has you win on a 7 win card. DC first game. It is INSANE. Not to mention the weird crap happening with empty game worlds then DCs. That happen to you guys yet? The classic DC mid PvP match that just respawns you, but NO ONE is there. It's just a ghost town of nothingness until the game just kicks you. Or the UNFORGETTABLE join the tower and have no NPCs there just to be kicked after waiting experience? I don't know. I could go on and on. But, maybe I'm just crazy, maybe something weird is happening to me and just me? Have you guys had the same experience?



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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