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BNGHelp8により編集済み: 4/7/2020 6:52:47 PM

[BNG] Season of the Worthy Top Issues and Vital Info – Updated Apr 7

[quote][b][u]DISCLAIMER[/u][/b] [b]This is not a complete list of all known issues, but a targeted list of specific issues.[/b][/quote] [i]Last Updated: April 7, 2020[/i] --- [b]VITAL INFORMATION[/b] [quote]• [url=/en/Help/Article/48179]Official Article for Top Issues and Vital Information[/url] • [url=/en/Help/Article/48484]Triumphs and Achievements Vital Information and Known Issues[/url] • [url=/en/Help/Article/46684]PC Known Issues[/url][/quote] [quote][u]GENERAL[/u] [quote] • We are aware of reports that portions of the [b]Lunar Rasputin bunker[/b] may have a higher potential to trigger epileptic seizures or blackouts. Individuals who are susceptible to epileptic seizures, seizures of any kind, or blackouts should exercise caution if they choose to play or watch someone else play this content. • Players whose [b]Clan Rosters[/b] are not loading should ensure that accounts inactive for an extended period of time should be removed from the clan. • [b]Season Passes[/b] will be applied to the first account that signs in. If you plan to Cross Save but will use another character set, it's recommended to set up Cross Save before logging in. For more information, [url=/CrossSave]click here[/url]. • [b]Universal Ornaments[/b] will only appear on certain Legendary armor pieces called Armor 2.0. These armor pieces will show an Energy cost on them. [/quote] [u]SEASONAL CONTENT[/u] [quote] • [b]Seasonal consumables[/b] will be deleted when the Season of the Worthy ends. [/quote][/quote] [b]TOP ISSUES BEING INVESTIGATED[/b] [quote] [u]ERROR CODES[/u] [quote] • Error codes [b]BEAVER, BEETLE, ANTEATER, RABBIT, and WATERCRESS[/b]. • [b]PS4 Error CE-34878[/b] or a [b]Steam crash[/b] when quitting Destiny 2. [/quote] [u]EVERVERSE[/u] [quote] • Players who used Bright Dust to buy the [b]Painted Eye Shell received the Beautiful Gravities ship[/b] instead. [/quote] [u]SEASONAL CONTENT[/u] [quote] • The [b]Level 32 PDS upgrade[/b] can only be used to clear the Bunker by the character who unlocked the EDZ Bunker • [b]Rasputin’s Daily Seraph Weapon[/b] can only be claimed on the character players were on when Rank 92 of the Season Pass was unlocked [/quote] [u]GENERAL[/u] [quote] • [b]Clans[/b] cannot be created or edited • [b]Teammates’ emblems[/b] are blacked out and show no power level • Some players may not receive rewards from [b]Garden of Salvation encounter chests[/b]. • Some players may not receive progress on [b]Crucible and Iron Banner quests and bouties[/b]. • When using [b]HDR[/b], the Brightness Slider doesn't appear to work, and dark areas are hard to see. [/quote] [u]PC[/u] [quote] • Players' FPS may [b]reset and lock at 30 FPS[/b] when relaunching the game on Steam. • Players whose [b]Forsaken licenses[/b] did not transfer from Blizzard to Steam should retry [url=/PCMove]PC Migration[/url]. Additionally, some players experiencing this issue may need to log into Destiny 2 on Steam before retrying migration. • Receiving [b]"Problem Reading Game Content"[/b] errors after [url=]verifying the integrity of game files[/url]. • Various [b]PC Migration[/b] issues reported by players. Any player encountering issues should keep their and Steam accounts linked then [url=/PCMove]retry PC Migration[/url]. • All [b]offline players[/b] in Clans will not display their name, but instead, will show Offline. [/quote] [u]ITEMS[/u] [quote] • The [b]Large Arm Reserves mod[/b] does not provide increased ammo reserves for shotguns • [b]Faction Rally Ornaments[/b] cannot be applied to their respective class items • The [b]Virtuous Greaves Titan Ornament[/b] lost its glow effect • [b]World chests in the Dreaming City[/b] are not dropping Glimmer • [b]Swapping energy[/b] on a fully masterworked and modded armor piece shows that it can no longer be upgraded. Exiting and re-entering the armor details screen will allow the armor piece to be re-upgraded • The [b]Rifle Reserves mod[/b] is not granting extra rifle ammo reserves • The [b]Anti-Barrier mod[/b] prevents Explosive head and other explosive damage on bows [/quote] [u]EXOTICS[/u] [quote] • The [b]Astrocyte Verse's Move to Survive perk[/b] doesn't quickly ready a weapon after a second Blink Jump has been performed • [b]Devil’s Ruin[/b] may not fire correctly after a Super has been used. • The [b]Dunemarcher's Linear Actuators perk[/b] will not activate after being triggered on yellow bar enemies • If [b]Phoenix Cradle[/b] boots are equipped, the Sun Warrior buff doesn't work with Sunspots from enemy kills • [b]Polaris Lance's 5th shot[/b] explosion cancels on continuous fire [/quote] [u]CHARACTERS[/u] [quote] • When activating their Super, [b]Attunement of Hunger Warlocks[/b] may sometimes consume an empowered melee charge • The [b]Wealth of the Emperor buff[/b] does not go away, even if the chalice is perfected • The [b]Hunter's Weighted Knife[/b] doesn't hit crit spots on Vex Goblins [/quote] [u]BOUNTIES AND QUESTS[/u] [quote] • The [b]Lost Classics Rasputin bounty[/b] does not count Crucible matches in the Classic Mix playlist • Interacting with the [b]statue of Sjur Eido for the Wish Ender quest[/b] in the Shattered Throne may cause crashes • The [b]Seraph Bunker Upgrades[/b] list the incorrect requirements to complete the upgrade [quote]- The [b]EDZ Tier 1 Bunker Upgrade[/b] requires completing challenges from Zavala, Shaxx, the Drifter, Banshee-44, and Hawthorne - The [b]Moon Tier 1 Bunker Upgrade[/b] requires completing Strikes, Crucible matches, Gambit matches, and Nightmare hunt challenges - The [b]Io Tier 1 Bunker Upgrade[/b] requires completing Flashpoint, Dungeon, and Raid challenges[/quote] • During the [b]Authentication Protocol quest step in the Seraph Warsat Network quest[/b], players need to speak with Rasputin on Io • If the [b]Tokens from the Wish Ender quest[/b] are pushed out of a player’s Postmaster there is no way to reclaim or reacquire new Tokens. • Players who Cross Save to a platform where they do not own Forsaken may lose access to the [b]exotic quest for Malfeasance[/b] when they defeat the Ascendant Primeval Servitor [/quote] [u]TRIUMPHS AND COLLECTIONS[/u] [quote] • Fully upgrading any Bunker sometimes doesn't unlock the associated [b]Warmind Security Triumph[/b] • Progress for the [b]In Pursuit of Honor Triumph[/b] is no longer doubled in Iron Banner • [b]Ghost Scan 132[/b] is no longer available on Nessus • The [b]Trials of Osiris emblems and Collection category[/b] cannot be viewed until a player has earned those items • The [b]Seraph Public Event Completions Triumph[/b] is tracking successful Public Event completions. There is no Heroic version of this Public Event. • The [b]Playin' the Odds emblem[/b] cannot be reacquired from the Collections. As a temporary workaround, players can reset their Infamy rank three times during the season. After doing so, the emblem will be guaranteed to drop along with the "Ludomaniacal" emblem variant. • The [b]Forged in Fire Crucible badge[/b] cannot be obtained • Some [b]Triumphs[/b] will display a progress bar even though only one objective needs to be completed [/quote] [u]ACTIVITIES[/u] [quote] • Players may experience [b]crashes when playing Gambit or Gambit Prime[/b] • On the [b]Eternity map in the Countdown Crucible game mode[/b], the bomb placements and waypoints are in the incorrect location or do not show up during the first round • Certain [b]warnings will appear for Nightfalls[/b] that require players to have certain mods equipped. These warnings don't account for teammates' loadouts. [/quote][/quote]



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