If Bungie going to cap how long weapons can be infused, there needs to be an overhaul to how weapons rolls are obtained. Even though it was mind numbingly boring, Sundial was a tolerable grind for a weapon roll you wanted but I would NEVER have grinded weeks of Reckoning for a god roll PvE Bug Out Bag if I knew it would be made useless in a years time.
What really needs to be implemented is a crafting system which can let you put specific perks onto a weapon for a heavy cost. Something that you can grind for days straight knowing that by friday or saturday you'll have materials for the weapon roll you want. Maybe to choose a perk for a Better Devils hand cannon you have to get a rare drop from Fallen Captains, 200 dusklight shards, 200 legendary shards and another Better Devils to pull the desired perk from, destroying it in the process.
Literally anything is better than playing what is frankly some of the most repeptitive content for weeks at a time with the hopes of getting a weapon that will give you a slight advantage the next seasons utterly braindead PvE activity, just for it to be made irrelevant 9 months later.
Would also solve the issue of Banshee-44 doing almost nothing in the game currently. As he would be the main vendor for this function.
I understand that those values above may seem pretty low considering how bloated our legendary shard inventory has gotten, but after grinding for a bunch of god-roll weapons in a season and spending a good portion of your savings on several perfect weapons, that cost will surely become more daunting.