WHEN? When are all those crying-I'm quitting-players gonna actually quit?
If you don't like it, leave.
If Legendary expiring date weapons (armor too?) bothers you soo much that you can handle it, leave.
If nerfing Super, Abilities, Gun is unbearable, leave.
If Bungie's decisions are that awful you can't play anymore, leave.
Just leave, silent, without drama, why you need to scream to all 4 winds you're leaving? Nobody cares, I'm sure I DO NOT CARE. I'm sure the people that enjoy the game, DON'T CARE neither. Soooooooo...
It's called giving requested feedback to the developers, you corporate bootlicker.
They don’t leave because they still [i]care[/i] about the game. They want it to succeed, but don’t enjoy playing anymore.
[quote]WHEN? When are all those crying-I'm quitting-players gonna actually quit? If you don't like it, leave. If Legendary expiring date weapons (armor too?) bothers you soo much that you can handle it, leave. If nerfing Super, Abilities, Gun is unbearable, leave. If Bungie's decisions are that awful you can't play anymore, leave. Just leave, silent, without drama, why you need to scream to all 4 winds you're leaving? Nobody cares, I'm sure I DO NOT CARE. I'm sure the people that enjoy the game, DON'T CARE neither. Soooooooo... LEAVE![/quote] These forums are for players to give Bungie feedback about the game, and for players to discuss the game with each other. If you don’t want to read that you’re in the wrong place.
No one cares that you do not care about people who care about people who do not care about caring.
The forum is no longer a place for discussion. It’s a place to rail against whatever bungie does whether it’s good bad or indifferent.
[quote]WHEN? When are all those crying-I'm quitting-players gonna actually quit? If you don't like it, leave. If Legendary expiring date weapons (armor too?) bothers you soo much that you can handle it, leave. If nerfing Super, Abilities, Gun is unbearable, leave. If Bungie's decisions are that awful you can't play anymore, leave. Just leave, silent, without drama, why you need to scream to all 4 winds you're leaving? Nobody cares, I'm sure I DO NOT CARE. I'm sure the people that enjoy the game, DON'T CARE neither. Soooooooo... LEAVE![/quote] No u.
oh we are... D2's numbers are going south big time i'm playing two new games and just popped on to visit xur today... and i've only been playing a couple of months... soon i'll have the use of the 85G D2's been chewing up
Most still play the game ironically or just sit here on the forum all day looking for new ways to insult the devs. That's why this forum rarely gets taken seriously despite being Bungie's forum. Anyone who doesn't agree with the mob mentality get insulted, down voted, or accused of being paid off by Bungie. It's actually pathetic how much of an echo chamber this forum has become. Every now and then a genuinely well-thought-out post rises to the top, but the vast majority of this forum is full of people and posts just looking to verbally abuse one another with no real desire to have an honest conversation using referenceable facts.
when and if they implement this light level cap idea. that will be the straw of the camel for me, personally.