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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
VixxValiにより編集済み: 12/18/2019 5:03:15 PM

Idea for new exotic slug shotgun

Not exactly sure where to put this, so here. Name: Borderlands Hunter Exotic slug shotgun Solar damage Stats: >Impact: 75 >range: 100 >stability: 20 >handling: 12 >reload speed: 90 >rounds per minute: 55 >magazine: 4 >aim assistance: 50 >zoom: [variable] 12/40 "This thing can hit anything, anywhere." Intrinsic perk: The Wall Will Hold >Hold R to switch between long range slug sniper [100 range] and standard pellet spread [55 range] Exotic perk: Rounds of light >In shotgun mode, kills give healing rounds directly in the magazine, hipfire to heal whatever is within the crosshair (not including hostiles) >in sniper mode, rounds catch target on fire, dealing minimal damage over time, and tracking targets hit through walls [lasts 5 seconds]



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