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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
A_dmg04により編集済み: 11/14/2019 11:10:04 PM

Your Story

Destiny’s community is large and varied. Everyone is a little different in terms of how they defeat the Darkness. We have heard a lot of stories over the years about conquering challenges, meeting new friends, and the various ways that Destiny has touched your lives. We’d like to hear more! This isn’t a contest. It’s a way for us to get to know you better, and to hear about the kinds of in-game moments that have made the largest impact on you. So if you’re up to it, share your most memorable moments of Destiny – anything that made you feel: • A sense of tremendous achievement • A sense of belonging • Devastated or heartbroken • Utter domination • A human connection • Like laughing until you cried • The moment you knew you loved this game! Thank you for being such an amazing community. We look forward to hearing more of your stories.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • I might as well do this, - I am not the Best person on here as I tend to call a spade a bloody shovel, not always taking into consideration that people get offended. I am an Asshole I know, but I would rather be an asshole to your face, than a snake behind your back. That being said, here it goes. [b]• A sense of tremendous achievement.[/b] I was Between Clans, - I was 8 Hours ahead of my previous clan so our time was limited to game together. I was dispirited as the Leviathan Raid came out and I really wanted to do it. I ended up posting on here and within a short time, I got contacted and organized and with the help of a bunch of Decent blokes I completed my first Leviathan Raid. [b]• A sense of belonging[/b] I work and Live abroad as an expatriate in the Middle East - there is no Social life here, and I pretty much have only gaming and gym to keep me occupied in my spare time. I convinced my mate to get the game and we basically ran together and did everything in the game together. I started my own little clan, had 5 people in it and we played a lot. everyone else got busy so I dissolved the clan and flew solo for a while. I got an invite to my current clan, and it was the best decision I have made since I have been on D2. The founder and I managed to turn the clan around, built a Website and basically grow the clan substantially. I never met him before, and one day I just let the guys in the group know, hey I am home for holiday and He made a plan to meet me, drove 2 hours to have a drink with me. That night, friends became Family. His lovely wife is like my sister, we fight a lot but we always go to each other for guidance, he is like my brother in the sense where we would know what the other one means without saying something. I am grateful for this. And I am Grateful for the Game that enabled me to befriend them. Since then, I Attended his Wedding , and he Attended mine - if it was not for this game, I would not have met the people in my life, that kept me from falling into the pit of depression I so very often dip my toes in. That is why I have a love hate relationship with this Game. I get frustrated by the choices you guys make, yet I remember that it is this game that gave me the ability to connect with people that make my life so much more rewarding and fruitful. [b]• Devastated or heartbroken[/b] I do not easily get phased by emotional stuff on the internet, as one often has to filter through the 50%. But, I get moved when people do the "guardian down" posts. It is really an eye opener to see that even through all the toxicity on here, and keyboard warriors just venting out of anger, there are people here, who have the highest admiration for their fellow gamers and clan members, and to read what they write in the "guardian down" posts, often stirs something in me, not quite devastation but I would often put myself in their shoes (which we as a community rarely do) and I would think "what if this happened to one of my clan mates?" Because.. even though I am an Idiot most of the times, I think of my Team, my Clan as my family. And doing the effort to know them all personally, It hurts me imagining me, in the situation someone else is currently in... I hope I never get to write a Guardian Down post. [b]• Utter domination[/b] We all have had our moments in Crucible, or Raids, or Any PVE. - but My fondest memory of this is when we did the Nokris Run (when your Modifiers were broken). It is not really deserving of any "domination" but none the less, this little bug had our whole clan go for the highest 300+ Score! Felt powerful, was great. In PVP however, I had 1 Match that stood out of all the Matches. So, hate me for this but... I Ran Skullfort, and Shoulder Charge in one match - I did not Fire a single bullet. I was on an 11 KD Streak then they got mercy ruled - I felt like trash afterwards but It was FUN. [b]• A human connection[/b] The game in itself, will always stay that - Just a Game, therefore I do not really attach myself to anything in the game that I shouldn't and I understand that people often get deeply involved in the lore. Which is great for them. I think most of the time people often forget this is just a game, and should not let this influence you as much as it does, including the community. Speaking there of, The community (although toxic at times) can be a funny bunch. I often jump on here, to see what is going on, when I am at work and have free time on my hands, I have my laughs. [b]• Like laughing until you cried[/b] This was a Golden Moment for us. - So we do a Leviathan Run, and one of our Guys has a tendency to Drink a lot more than what he thinks he can handle. So we make it past the First encounter, and we are running through the underbelly to go get the Keys and we are 1 man Short. now with everyone talking we never heard this... but... As everyone started to calm down and be quiet, we heard this slight snore, it became more and more aggressive and we knew "jip... he is asleep" - He falls asleep instantly when he is drunk, he skips the whole dizzy bullshit part. we went back past the drain jumping part to find him and as we punched him we could hear his controller vibrate, but he was asleep. So, we decided to to count down from 3, 2, 1, and then scream at him. - As we did this.... He woke up, we hear this rip - Superfart, followed by a string of swearing that will get me banned for life. He sharted. We could not contain ourselves and we just laughed for a solid 10 minutes, Eventually when he got to us (after changing his pants) he opened the chest and dropped an exotic. (none of us got anything). Shortly there after he fell asleep again. - We did not complete the raid that night but we laughed so much. [b]• The moment you knew you loved this game![/b] Like I said, I do not get attached to games that Often. Hate me for this, But... the Moment Cayde 6 Died. - Reason behind it is, that it showed creative Direction from Bungie, it showed that they are willing to kill off a Key Character for the betterment of the game. The way the community responded showed me that this game means a lot to people, and therefore... I knew that I loved this game.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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