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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Ultraにより編集済み: 11/19/2019 3:35:18 AM

Bungie, you took too long

(TL;DR at bottom) Recluse Mountaintop OEM Super Damage Resistance General balance updates to keep things interesting And more probably It just takes too long. Shadowkeep launched and as with all DLCs the awe and wonder of all the new places and things carried it a long way... But it just felt SO BLAND using the Recluse for everything all the time. It really killed the intrigue of everything. The game felt mindless. The changes to enemy crit values on primary weapons went un-felt as the gun everyone was using didn't care. CRUCIBLE: For a lot of players, like myself, Crucible is the gameplay extender that goes beyond content. It's something that holds it's interest for a lot longer than PVE because fighting human opponents is much more interesting and dynamic than fighting AI. "A renewed focus on PVP" was a flat-out lie. Elimination is a gamemode that I think 90% (at least) of Crucible players loved in D1. WHY is this old, tried and true mode in CRUCIBLE LABS while new modes like Scorched and Momentum Control go straight into a main playlist? Mountaintop is just fricken annoying. I got my quest to like 97% around the time I started losing interest in the game. Coincidence? I think not. Using the Fighting Lion made me see just how stupid Crucible really is. Those grenade launchers are very easy to use and are extremely oppressive. I don't feel like I'm challenging my brain when I use them... I feel mindless. So If I am not having fun doing something that is very effective then CHANCES ARE my opponents also hate me. I don't like being 'that guy' in Crucible. I want to win fair and square and in a way that doesn't make my opponent want to uninstall. NEGLECT: The ignorance and neglect is really painful. The game could be in an amazing state but just knowing that these strange decisions are made are enough to really turn me off playing. If you care so little about Crucible, to the point where you're making very questionable decisions, then why should I care about it? I don't want to play your sloppy secondary mode that receives laughable amounts of attention. There is no incentive to play labs and help 'TEST' your old mode that has worked for years. God that sentence is so weird, I shouldn't be writing it, but I am. Especially for an Australian like myself... I'm not going to sit in matchmaking for 5+ minutes to test a mode that I know already works and should be in a main playlist. UGH wtf am I writing THE MAIN POINT (TL;DR?): Bungie could have held my attention for MUCH longer if they had just shown some guts for once and did what needed to be done while the DLC was still fresh. Shadowkeep got bland really quickly because of a mixture of silly decisions and neglect. So while I celebrate the nerfing of Recluse... I also really couldn't care less. Bungie lost my interest. I know I will get back into Destiny 2 eventually because there is no better feeling game out there, but I really felt it was important to iterate the fact that I would PROBABLY still be playing if these decisions were made earlier. The DLC should have OPENED by nerfing the outlier weapons and armor, but it didn't. That neglect contributed a LOT to my frustrations with the game and killed my interest in it as a whole. I hope that going forward Bungie will stamp out the outliers before big DLCs launch so that we can all experience a fresh sandbox along with the fresh content.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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