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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
11/18/2019 5:14:59 PM

Please update prime engrams to drop high stat rolled armor.

Hello, High stat rolled armor (55+) is difficult to come by, even for the players who are pouring countless hours into the game. Prime engrams, while valuable, have decreased in overall value with the introduction of the artifact and the artifact power level bonus. I think we can add value back into prime engrams by bumping up the stats on armor [b]when [/b]they decrypt into armor. I want to be clear that I don't want prime engrams to [b]only[/b] drop armor. This change would benefit the entire player base, from the casual to the hardcore, especially since the majority of high stat rolled armor comes from end game activities. Even when we take end game activities into consideration, the chances of armor dropping with a 55+ stat are pretty low. I understand that everyone's RNG is unique to themselves but the majority of people I speak with have had similar experiences. Thanks for reading. ~Aura



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