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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
A_dmg04により編集済み: 11/14/2019 11:10:04 PM

Your Story

Destiny’s community is large and varied. Everyone is a little different in terms of how they defeat the Darkness. We have heard a lot of stories over the years about conquering challenges, meeting new friends, and the various ways that Destiny has touched your lives. We’d like to hear more! This isn’t a contest. It’s a way for us to get to know you better, and to hear about the kinds of in-game moments that have made the largest impact on you. So if you’re up to it, share your most memorable moments of Destiny – anything that made you feel: • A sense of tremendous achievement • A sense of belonging • Devastated or heartbroken • Utter domination • A human connection • Like laughing until you cried • The moment you knew you loved this game! Thank you for being such an amazing community. We look forward to hearing more of your stories.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • TheShadow-caliにより編集済み: 11/16/2019 5:18:38 PM
    Are you guys spending time on here because the player base is dropping again? I could see this if this was D1 around ROI time when most of the community was actually happy about the game considering the changes that took over the years, but this post feels way out of place knowing how Bungie has been treating their player base this last 6 months. With all due respect, I remember one of your first posts on this forum talking about how you know and Bungie knows that they (need to earn our trust.) Can you actually be honest with yourself and ask yourself if that has actually taken place since the day you posted that on this forum? Especially with the recent changes with Eververse, the nerfing, Datto, etc...? Edit: [spoiler] Just because I'm not afraid to ask legit questions doesn't mean this thread was meant to complain or be negative. The ones on this thread (trying to make it about me) are the ones making things negative. Please think before making a reply to me. My question was a [b]( legit question.)[/b] Take your personal issues somewhere else please, they don't belong on this forum. I'm looking for people that actually know how to present themselves in a respectful matter and know how to have a conversation. How anyone presents themselves is how one will be treated. If you show respect I have no problem giving respect no matter who it is. Simple logic really.[/spoiler] Edit: 1. Someone on this thread asked me to post my memories. The good things about Destiny so I will but Ill try to keep it short, I said try 😄 D1 hands down, In spite of its issues I can see how the game had (heart put into it.) The pride that was taken creating content. The weapons/gear designs, that as a looter shooter created that incentive the game had on wanting to run the activities. That alone is what I really miss about D1 because the skybox is a given on how well they do their work that can be appreciated that that is what makes a looter shooter. You can't have one without the other, it just doesn't work. [quote]• A sense of tremendous achievement[/quote] Nothing in the game as far as acquiring anything, meaning items. My achievement was helping other running raids that I helped over 300 gamers in D1 y1 get their complications. I and 2 other people would spend time helping new players run their fires raid that I ended up having over 250 friends on my friend's list and just in y1 I had over 3000 because spending time helping others. That is the only achievement I will ever need. [quote]• A sense of belonging[/quote] I think I covered that already. [quote]• Devastated or heartbroken[/quote] Never had any experience like that In D1 because I enjoyed my time with the exception of not playing D1 for over a year because of the sandbox, came back for ROI and had a blast when I knew the sandbox was done with D1. In D2 it was literally D2 base game and how things have been handled since Forsaken released that I believe Fosakem was the best place this game has ever been in that I would say is more of a (heartbreak) knowing what this company is fully capable of just from there past work with Halo and D1. [quote]• Utter domination[/quote] D1, Actually feeling like I (was creating my killing machine.) [quote]• A human connection[/quote] I connected with the 2 people that I helped others run the raids and outside the game. Friendship is one of the most important things to have in life. It's not a matter of how many you have, it's a matter of who is there for you through thick and thin and learning how to give back whats so freely given. [quote]• Like laughing until you cried[/quote] Didn't cry but the laughter was there for sure. My best moment in Destiny was running VoG with a random group that I will never forget. I was at the tower when the tower was the LFG and I was invited to join them. Not always but some of the times when I have joined a group there has been that class clown that loves to joke around so just starting it out was a good sign on how the group was getting along that they showed they were there to have fun. Longer story short the talking wasn't so much once we got inside, just running the raid. We get past the Templar and start running the Gorgons, we wiped a couple of times because of messing around having fun, but out of the blue, someone decided to ask where everyone lived. Come to find out that everyone lived at least an hour from each other. From there on out the talking and the laughter were nonstop. Needless the say, the raid took a lot longer then it should have but it was a blast 🙂 [quote]• The moment you knew you loved this game[/quote] I can't say I ever loved Destiny because it's actually a false feeling. What I can say is, that I have had a lot of fun when the work is being put into the game that has heart.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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