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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
A_dmg04により編集済み: 11/14/2019 11:10:04 PM

Your Story

Destiny’s community is large and varied. Everyone is a little different in terms of how they defeat the Darkness. We have heard a lot of stories over the years about conquering challenges, meeting new friends, and the various ways that Destiny has touched your lives. We’d like to hear more! This isn’t a contest. It’s a way for us to get to know you better, and to hear about the kinds of in-game moments that have made the largest impact on you. So if you’re up to it, share your most memorable moments of Destiny – anything that made you feel: • A sense of tremendous achievement • A sense of belonging • Devastated or heartbroken • Utter domination • A human connection • Like laughing until you cried • The moment you knew you loved this game! Thank you for being such an amazing community. We look forward to hearing more of your stories.



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  • My dirty turtleにより編集済み: 11/18/2019 5:04:32 PM
    So my story starts back in vanilla destiny. A friend of mine who I worked with really enjoyed it but had no one to play it with, so he bought it for me. I very quickly fell in love with the game and ended up playing alone most of the time. I played through vanilla, crotas bane, and the House of wolves alone. During this time I had gone through a couple of relationships and was feeling very depressed and the only thing I had to look forward to was coming home to play more destiny. One night I was incredibly bored and got onto a chat roulette style site where I came across someone who was just sitting there playing Xbox. I asked him what games he had and what he was playing. At the time he was playing the battlefield Hardline beta. We quickly exchanged gamertags and started playing together. We jumped into destiny for a bit and since he never played the 2 dlc for it I showed home what he was missing out on. Not long after, the taken king was getting ready to drop. By then we had made many more friends and all of us were excited to start playing TTK. Together we boarded the dreadnaught and laid waste to Oryx's flying kingdom. Then came our next challenge. Killing Oryx once and for all. We tried and tried for over a year to finally kill the Taken King in his throne world but to no avail. We would try every day multiple times a day. Even though we failed we kept making more and more friends. We eventually started our own clan and had grown to have about 20 or so people in it. But after wrath of the machine came out, things started to change. Our friends would stop getting online, people would have fights and never recover from them, and the clan would be left a shadow of what it once was. But through everything, just enough of is to form a raid team would stand the test of time. When destiny 2 was released we were all excited and playing it that night. Little did we know, that would be the final moments that our clan would spend together. Most of us were very dissatisfied with the red war and felt disgraced. And then, there were 2. Just me and another friend I call Tank were the only ones left active in the clan. We played through the next 2 years trying to bring the clan back to the former glory but to no avail. Now with the rise of the Scarlet keep and the darkness drawing ever closer we have found a new clan that was willing to take us in and give us a new home, a stronger home. With our new family we look forward to the challenges to come and know that we can accomplish anything we set our minds to with them.



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    2 通の返信



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      2 通の返信
      • AlieN_x_HuMaNにより編集済み: 11/19/2019 3:25:02 AM
        [quote] • A sense of tremendous achievement • A sense of belonging • Devastated or heartbroken • Utter domination • A human connection • Like laughing until you cried • The moment you knew you loved this game![/quote] - The first time I cleared VOG succesfully - The first time I was in a regular group of raiders, and the second and third time - When everyone quit after D2's awful state at launch - There have been a lot of those times..mostly D1 trials - There were many in D1, they dwindled, were rekindled, and are nearly gone for good at this's more of a sad story really - Nearly every time my regular team played Trials in D1 til 3 AM like idiots..I wasnt laughing the next day.. - When I cleared VOG Was this just supposed to be for D2? [spoiler]Obtaining Blacksmith was fun, but nothing in D2 has been anywhere near as epic as D1 from every standpoint[/spoiler]



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      • Honestly destiny has been a massive part of my life. I never played the beta but my mate picked it up the day after release and we played for a few hours that night. The second I played I was in love and picked it up the very next morning for myself. Throughout the last 6 years I have entered high school and just finished last week! In that time from destiny I have met some of the most genuinely caring people that have helped me through my life (I’ve struggled getting through the last 4 years) and they’ve been able to witness me progress and grow into an adult. It sounds pretty sketchy but I promise it isn’t. I know it gets a lot of hate from people but destiny has truly helped me out in my personal life and is seriously a brilliant time (especially year 1 trials and VoG)



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      • During the D1 alpha, myself and a blueberry matched for the Devil's Lair strike, but we didn't have a 3rd. We tried, and tried, and eventually we got through it. It felt so rewarding, and I knew I was hooked. Couldn't wait for the beta. Then the official launch happened, I found some incredible exotics in the loot cave. I'm pretty sure that's where I got Gjallarhorn, though it may have been found in Sepiks corpse.



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      • [quote]Destiny’s community is large and varied. Everyone is a little different in terms of how they defeat the Darkness. We have heard a lot of stories over the years about conquering challenges, meeting new friends, and the various ways that Destiny has touched your lives. We’d like to hear more! This isn’t a contest. It’s a way for us to get to know you better, and to hear about the kinds of in-game moments that have made the largest impact on you. So if you’re up to it, share your most memorable moments of Destiny – anything that made you feel: • A sense of tremendous achievement • A sense of belonging • Devastated or heartbroken • Utter domination • A human connection • Like laughing until you cried • The moment you knew you loved this game! Thank you for being such an amazing community. We look forward to hearing more of your stories.[/quote] My story like many others, enthralled by the constant nerfs and fascinated by the countless false promises Hmmmm. Guess it’s a bad story eh



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      • My story, like so many others, has slowly become a story of sadness and betrayal. I once played for thousands upon thousands of hours. I once was a sherpa for thousands of people. But, now, there is the Eververse end-game and the ever increasing costs of masterworking and infusion. Now the nerfs tally in the hundreds. Now the recycled content fills an entire season. My story, while not at a close, has dwindled into myth. Once I fought to become Legend. Now I usually just play something else.



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      • Can’t you just get back to fixing things instead?



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      • Maybe if you guys are so interested in the past, you could put the D1 team finder function back in this piece of shit app.



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      • Niinja Slayerにより編集済み: 11/18/2019 9:53:23 PM
        The way weapon slots worked back in D1 gave you a direct path towards knowing what weapons you want or needed. In Primary in knew I needed a primary, in special I had to have a sniper, shotgun, or fusion. And in Heavy I knew I needed a Rocket or Machine gun. With double primaries or double special like we have now is too many options and possible combinations. Yes it is more options to play how you want but it’s also a double edged sword because the sandbox operates very differently and it relies on you constantly balancing and paying attention to every little thing and ignoring nothing constantly which you’ve shown you can’t do. Or you don’t have a problem with it but we do so that’s why you lose players. I loved the days of my Primary whatever it may be and my shotgun in crucible. But in D2 it’s just use whatever you want (whatever is the most broken). And maybe you will balance it in a season or two. In D1, we used Hand Cannons most of Y1 and there was a direct path for what we wanted. Either random world drops/strikes/crucible or raids. In D2 that but three times as many weapons and many different locations to get them from. That’s why factions worked so well because each vendor got a specific refresh and we knew exactly where it was from. IMO you had the highest player base and most fun with D1 weapon slots. You create something knew like Armor Affinity, we don’t like it and then you tweak it or try to create something new again. It’s like you have ADHD and can never quite get it right and fix it without starting something new only to mess it up again and wonder why we are always complaining. We need broad category mods for all types of mods and we need to be able to apply [u][i]any[/i][/u] ornament to any legendary piece, the problem is then that all armor becomes cosmetic again except for whatever piece is the highest level unless exotic which I’m fine with but I want to not be limited by armor affinity or hand cannon loader instead of small arms and have to spend 5K glimmer and have to real or something every time I switch weapons. Broad category mods must happen for all slots.



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      • Niinja Slayerにより編集済み: 11/18/2019 9:26:54 PM
        All those things? D1 Vanilla through RoI. But it’s nice to know that you’re asking us stuff again because the player base is dropping.



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      • My story, huh? Well, I didn't start playing until year 3 of D1. I know, it's not much. I didn't get a job until last summer, so I could never afford to just buy a game like that. I bought D1 from Garage Sale Warehouse, vanilla for $10. I quickly fell in love with the game. The story, the gameplay, it quickly upset Halo Reach as my favorite game. Then along came Destiny 2. I finally made enough money to purchase D2 Forsaken and jumped in around the middle of Black Armory. I never bothered much with Crucible, although I'm not bad myself. Not enough of my friends played Destiny, so I was more of a lone wolf, which fit my transition from Warlock to Hunter. I played the story, did the side quests, and avoided the One-eyed mask-wearing demons known as Titans in the Crucible. I fell off from playing around July to play my other new favorite game (Ghost Recon Wildlands) And then Season of Opulence arrived, and I was enraptured. I haven't left the game since. Now, I know I haven't been around long enough to garner those exclusive emblems, those ramen coupons, or have experienced the days where you could push Atheon off of a cliff. I haven't experienced the glories of laser tag (Although Momentum Control with Wavesplitter comes close, try it!) or Trials of the Nine. But, I am as invested into the game as anyone. I remember, just a few weeks ago, when my timid side was banished and I hopped into solo comp to grind for the Recluse. I don't play video games very often, but after a few weeks of grinding, it was mine. My proudest moment yet. I remember the days of grinding Taken bosses in the Cosmodrome, with only three blueberries to assist me. I remember spending ages fireteam hunting for Zero-Hour. I remember spending an hour on the wiki brushing up on some of the lore I missed. Destiny will always be my favorite game, no matter what comes along. But why? There's just something about the world it drops you into. Remember, some of the Guardians in the Destiny universe are much younger than others (both in a lore sense and quite literally). That doesn't mean that they haven't experienced some incredible things.



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      • I have one as of today. Of total devastion. I have been playing destiny since the early days of D1 and through out d2. Pre-order of the dexule edition, Pre-order of dexule forsaken, Pre-order of dexule forsaken and the collectors editions of shadowkeep. And the biggest let down I've had with this game is my on going failure to get a title to my name. Whether it be due to not being able to commit time to the more meaningful ones like the raid titles or the rng permantly preventing me getting the gear I need to get something as simple as wayfair. But this season I saw the undying title, Looked over the requirment and thought. I can do this. I can get undying, there was no obvious rng requirement just good old hard graft. How wrong I was, overlooking the badge as I thought it was just the confirmed you done all the trimuphs. Pinnacle pvp weapon and the nightfall ordeal master level. Two things outside my ability and time constraints. So to say that left me devasted and feeling like all my time spent grinding out the vex offensive stuff was an utter waste. Achieved nothing but wasting my time. ---------- though postive story, first time doing king's fall and reaching the war priest. Me and one of the other guys ended up screwing up the encounter cause we ended up getting caught up in all the capes he had and how it be a cool look to have.



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      • Hello my fellow Guardians! I wanted to share what the Destiny community has meant to me and the impact it’s had on my life. To summarize my situation, I am visually impaired (legally blind) gamer. I suffered from retinal detachments and cataracts in both my eyes and after numerous surgeries I can see out of one eye with limited vision at 19. Needless to say it was a difficult time in my life. I have always been a a gamer growing up on Halo and my friends encouraged me to try Destiny and it was then I found a game that I could still play with my vision being drastically different. I was hesitant at first to play because I didn’t want to struggle but having so many activities where I could play with my friends to assist me made it all worthwhile. When I completed my first raid I had such a feeling of accomplishment that I overcame with my fire team even with my disability my Friends carried me through but still had me involved which meant a lot to me. Thanks to the community I have made a lot of friends who accept me for who I am which can be very hard since I’m usually the weakest link. I gotta say though this blind man isn’t to shabby in the crucible! I also consider myself a gambit master since it is my favorite game mode to play since the teamwork can be so rewarding. Bungie I applaud you for all the work you put into this franchise I just have one request can you add some more accessibility options please and thank you or maybe another crucible mode with no radar to even the odds out!



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      • Devistation or disappointment. When you as a company decided to push the majority of your players away by making raids for the 5% of the community, or the nightfalls timed so only the best players can get 100,000 or that you made pinicle engram only achievable for the best players. I don't know why we all bother to tell you guys as you never listen to the community only the famous.



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        10 通の返信
        • Can we have an official opposite too please in the name of balance. All this back slapping does nothing to improve on the many areas of the game that need vastly improving. Just feeds egos.



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          8 通の返信
          • Knavenformedにより編集済み: 11/18/2019 4:19:02 PM
            [quote] • A sense of tremendous achievement • A sense of belonging • Utter domination • A human connection • Like laughing until you cried • The moment you knew you loved this game!.[/quote] Tremendous achievement, soloing the Thorn strike. Gaining god rolls I've farmed for months. Belonging, playing Gambit for the first time, getting army of ones while having my friends do PvE effectively. Choosing to side with the Drifter. Utter Domination, getting my first Ran out of Medals on Equinox, and then getting rekt for the aftermatch because of the adrenaline rush spoiling my aim. A human connection, getting into Forsaken, getting 4 of my friends play the game with me, and getting a girlfriend out of building the relationship through our sessions. Laughing until cried, my friend getting Lunafactions and us going power drunk from melting bosses (thank god it was nerfed lmao) Shattered Throne, us getting nuked and both of us popped supers, I went in with my Sentinel Shield to kill the whole room and him popping Well to keep us safe, his words "This shows the difference of our styles of solving problems" still make me chuckle. The moment I loved this game, playing the base game when it was free on, saying to all my friends how much the game sucks and I wouldn't recommend it, and then getting all of them buy the game and Forsaken even though I said no don't. Made me realize that Destiny is a shining gem just for me, and that it brings out something in me that others want to be a part of.



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          • I personally love destiny 2. I've been around since destiny 1 and you guys have gone over the galaxy and back on making this game special for us. If I could I would personally give you millions of rands if I weren't 16 years old. But you'd deserve a reward for all that you have done. From Dragonbornsnipe



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          • You guys really need to do something about stopping paid carries/advertising on the Fireteam Finder and your own site. Literally only one person, N7 Luna, has been spamming paid carries posts on there for a while now.



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            1 返信
            • I started playing Destiny mid Housr of Wolves and loved scout rifles. I had a friend I met during a match of Prison of Elders and asked him if there was an elemental scout rifle. He said "yes, the Fang of Ir Yut. But it's a raid weapon". I was kinda frustrated because he was the only one I knew at the time and promptly said "ok, never mind". A week later, he called me to a PSN party with other 4 guys. They wanted to take down Crota and were lacking a guy. I said I didn't know what to do and they told me "just kill everything, follow us to the "balcony" and fire your rocket launcher when we say so" The thing was: I hated RL and just used machineguns. Still, they said it was alright. They pulled right to Crota, heroic mode (which was weird, because I've never completed normal mode, but I got in). First attempt. Me firing my machinegun like a dumbass. Sword guy killed Crota in two phases. Fang of Ir Yut drops for me! Glowhoo too (loved seeing it at the Tower and had already forgotten how to get it). Cheering a lot, people happy for me and impressed I had the luck of getting the weapon first try. We stay at the Crota "arena" jumping, shooting, and chatting. Adding friends a d whatnot. When the conclusion screen comes, I get the Gjallarhorn. I remember saying "ah, shit! A rocket launcher? Wtf, I'll just break it..." And one of the guys yelled "NO!! DON'T!!! DON'T DO IT!!!!". Those were the days 😊



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            • In Destiny 1 I also saw a post by someone who was deaf on the forums - no one would take them through a raid because they couldn’t hear instructions or call outs. So I decided to take them through Crota. Got a team together and messaged them how the encounters worked before each encounter. We cleared the raid without too much trouble, and the message I got at the end was so great.



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              3 通の返信
              • Laughter: Booping people off the side of the map with the tractor cannon. Laughed so hard that I had an asthma attack.



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              • UnknownStardustにより編集済み: 11/17/2019 6:44:52 PM
                So, you know that Nokris strike right? Well, my friend (who was new to Destiny 2 at the time) and I were playing it. We get to that part where you defeat the two knights who drop the relics. I pick up one and throw it. I then explained to her how to pick the other one up. She throws it and misses. She runs over, picks it up again, and accidentally throws it off the map. Then she actually jumps OFF THE MAP to go get it. Long story short, she died, and both our stomachs were hurting for around 5 minutes. By far one of our favorite things that have happened in D2.



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              • So I bought the original Destiny game for my husband back in it's first year, that Christmas. He seemed like he really wanted it and he and his best friend were really into it. So, hey, I figured I'd get it for him and make him happy. Secretly, I was interested in it too. One night, I asked if I could create a character and try to play the game myself, see what it was like. Begrudgingly, the males handed me the controller and watched me make a purple on purple Awoken hunter. Which was a huge debate because I had no idea what to make but I finally decided. Made it through to the easiest boss in the game, the first kell. But to a first time player, and even more, a first time FPS player, it was a little difficult. It took me more than fifteen tries. I had no idea what I was doing and kept dying and having to start over. The worst part was, my husband and his best friend were sitting in the livingroom beside me, shaking their heads and trying to give me advice when I had no idea what they were talking about or what I was doing. I didn't know what strafe meant! Every time I died, they took a shot of whatever alcohol was available. I was really bad at Destiny, haha. It's a bit different now. I have a tendency to carry them both through things. I surpassed them both within a month. This is my best memory of Destiny.



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              • There I was....a dark and stormy night in the abyss of the moon. Got picked up as a rando for a run to whip Crota’s arse once more. Got to the end and upon defeating the big guy I could hear someone say something about “so and so for the Gally!” For those that remember the loot drops would scroll by really fast so it was easy to miss seeing who got what. I had not yet obtained the elusive instrument of devastation and I immediately thought to myself....”F that guy” in my most player hater Dave Chapelle voice. I bounced up to orbit and BEHOLD.....I HAVE THE GJALLARHORN! After a few high-fives to myself and a couple of F YEAHS!, I adorned my warlock with my finest pimptastic Deathsingers gear.....Glowhoo of course....and hit the tower. Strutting around with that beastly rocket launcher across my back I felt like the Nature Boy Ric Flair showing off the heavyweight championship television title belt. The only thing missing was a WOOOOOOO emote.



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              • Devastated when I grind and grind to get something that actually feels good to use and feels like I think it should. Only for Bungie to pop up later and say hey you wasted all that time grinding cause we are nerfing that now so we can bring in the next meta. Now I have to grind and grind to get guns I was getting rid of again and to get the next great thing only to have that time wasted a short time later. It is just wash rinse repeat with the way you do things and cause people to waste countless hours, days,weeks. Oh then to top it off it seems the nerfs on many of the things are cause of PC or seem to be yet the console players suffer more from the nerfs than PC players.



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