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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
A_dmg04により編集済み: 11/14/2019 11:10:04 PM

Your Story

Destiny’s community is large and varied. Everyone is a little different in terms of how they defeat the Darkness. We have heard a lot of stories over the years about conquering challenges, meeting new friends, and the various ways that Destiny has touched your lives. We’d like to hear more! This isn’t a contest. It’s a way for us to get to know you better, and to hear about the kinds of in-game moments that have made the largest impact on you. So if you’re up to it, share your most memorable moments of Destiny – anything that made you feel: • A sense of tremendous achievement • A sense of belonging • Devastated or heartbroken • Utter domination • A human connection • Like laughing until you cried • The moment you knew you loved this game! Thank you for being such an amazing community. We look forward to hearing more of your stories.



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  • I was top 1% Ogre kills in the world at one point because my friends couldn't get the Crux to drop in Crotas raid. I was xHyakkimaru at the time as I am now oxHyakkimaru.



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  • The point in rise of iron when you are making your G-horn and Ad victorium plays. That fight made me jittery in excitement. Well done on the franchise Bungie, I could not ask for a better game. The Lore, The campaign, The PvP and just plain old fun. That is what make a game great.



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  • [quote]• A sense of tremendous achievement[/quote]First time clears in all the raids. Been hooked on that rush since my first VoG clear and I try to do what I can to help new raiders experience it too. 😤 [quote]• A sense of belonging[/quote]That started right here actually. I used to hang around the forums a lot and got invited to join a group that shared a common goal to help the community. They became my first Destiny friends besides people I knew in RL. Some of us are still regulars in each other’s fireteams. 🤗 [quote]• Devastated or heartbroken[/quote]Haven’t experienced this in anyways Destiny-related and I hope I never do 🤞 [quote]• Utter domination[/quote]I’m extremely inconsistent in Crucible but the random times I somehow play like a pvp god feel amazing. I was giddy for hours after finally earning Recluse this season in solo comp. 5-6 man teams for IB with my friends. I know there’s being a lot of crying for balancing/nerfs but I’m still having fun. 😈 [quote]• A human connection[/quote]I roadtripped down to attend wedding of 2 of our regular fireteam members a couple years ago with my bf, brother and another friend. We’d talked over skype/party chat but that was the first time meeting them in person. 🥰 [quote]• Like laughing until you cried[/quote]Countless times in party chat. We usually have a party chat going with at least 2-3 (been up to 12!) people to just have fun and hang out. The conversations can get...interesting 🤪🤣 [quote]• The moment you knew you loved this game![/quote]The D1 beta. I’d been a very casual gamer, just joining in on whatever my bf was playing at the time. Destiny became the first game I played whether I had someone to play with or not. Fell in love with the abilities, gunplay, world, lore, music, art, activities, etc and I plan to ride this out as long as the Destiny lasts 💜



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    • OffSyncにより編集済み: 11/19/2019 3:39:42 PM
      My most treasured moment of playing this game will 100% be when I got 5 other friends and tried to do VoG for my first time and I couldn't tell which portal was Venus and which one was Mars.I didn't figure it out till my 3rd time doing Vault LOL. Another moment was when I got Ice Breaker from the PoE chest for my first time, my friend got my the DLC for my B-Day and in Y1 all he needed was to get the Ice Breaker to finish his Exotic collection and when I first ran PoE I got Ice breaker.



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      • Getting Gjallarhorn from the Crota raid was the last time Destiny has had me excited. But when Bungo started World's First raid competitions and TTK, it's been a pretty toxic game/community with a lot of demands and "must haves" to do end game content. I stopped raiding when it took me a month to level up for the Oryx raid, because I have a life, and everyone was demanding X amount of clears and Touch of Malice. Of course I didn't have ToM because you got it from the raid. It was ridiculous trying to find a non toxic group to raid with after that. At least in my LFG experience. Now there's no way I'll raid because there's no possible way I can get to raid level in 5 f###ing days and I don't have enough time in the day to join a serious clan that raids because of their ridiculous demands. "Must play at least 5 days a week or ur booted. Must participate in all game content and only with guild members or ur booted. Must participate in guild wars and competition or ur getting booted. Must be on Discord, Band, D2 companion and every other app we can name or ur booted." No thanks. So I solo what I can because all the friends I made in D1 quit 2 weeks after D2 launched, as did I for 8 months. Now D2 is more of a chore than a game. I still play, but not anywhere near as much as I did in D1. But I've accepted the fact that I'll never do any more raids or end game content that doesn't have MM. Thanks Bungo.



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        • ArpeggioAngelにより編集済み: 11/20/2019 3:32:31 PM
          I hadn't played a video game since probably Super Mario Brothers. My roommate had Destiny 1 and I used to watch him play and one night I asked him if I could try it. I ended up staying up until like 3 a.m. that first night, I was hooked. I played by myself for the first two or three months and one day he told me that there were things in the game that I was going to have to make friends if I was ever going to complete. Honestly, that thought scared me to death. But I went on the forums and I found a clan that was looking for members so I joined. The first night that I got on with them they were doing Vault of Glass. We got to that little mini jumping puzzle and I could not get across there for my life. Here I am, an absolute noob, not just to Destiny but to gaming in general. Those guys could have kicked me from the raid or the clan or both for just being stupid what I was doing. But they didn't. They sat there and encouraged me, gave me pointers, jokes around with me. No lie, it's kind of the running joke in my plan, but it took me an hour to get across there. And the whole time they just were absolutely amazing. Over the years most of that Clan dissipated but there are a couple of guys from that that I am still friends with today and two of us started our own Clan with Destiny 2 and have built it up from there. I always try to keep that in mind and Pay It Forward by helping other new people who join our clan. On Destiny 2 I have 2626 hours invested. I am an adult female with a full-time job who owns my house, but Destiny has been my Escape for a long time and I have made some truly wonderful friends through this game. Some of which I have been lucky enough now to meet in person too



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        • According to I had 1,638 hours on Destiny 1 in 3 years. I currently have 939 hours on Destiny 2 in the same amount of time. That’s all you need to think about Bungie.



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          • 新しいトピックを作成: cayde...

          • How bungie took a fantastic world full of lore and great gameplay ideas. And -blam!-ed up by being greedy.



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          • I have cerebral palsy and I struggle to play a lot of games as I have a left hand hemiplegia and a speech impediment destiny 1 and 2 have allowed me to fully enjoy the majority of what the game offers Ill be completely honest I don't have many friends at all as I have severe anxiety but I have joined a an amazing clan of friendly understanding and patient people who help and include me thank you from the bottom of my heart bungie you have greatly improved my life and its massively appreciated



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            • sammy-00193により編集済み: 11/19/2019 9:36:54 PM
              My favourite moment was when I got on today and found out from my party chat that Final Assualt was a cheap boss swap. I laughed until I cried oh yes I did. Never gonna get that money back. Thanks. Hey dmg04 let the team know that we all just loved that. Keep up the lack of passion. *my actualy fvourite moment was earning a ghorn against ir yut 3 weeks after they patched the chest at the start of the raid* but we all know that, that bungie died long ago.



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            • You need to make more strikes like D1. Remember Valus Ta’aruk? Devil’s Lair? All of the D1 strikes? More like that. Please no more D2 type of strikes. Whatever your D1 design approach was, more like that please.



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            • My story, I was hyped because of Undying Mind. Then I wasnt... The end.



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            • I was doing a guided games with 4 of my friends, and this one guy joined the team. His English was decent, but he was foreign and it wasn't perfect, and I don't remember his nationality so I won't guess at it. We get to gauntlet, and we think it'd be best to have him run, and he's getting it pretty easily, and for one call-out, we realized he didn't know the word for "middle." He called out "Not bottom not top!" In the most panicked voice I've ever heard, good times.



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            • Stop buying silver. Make them feel it. Make them listen.



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              • Killing Atheon for the first time is a feel i havent had again. Less of a game thing but I met some of my best friends in destiny and I still talk to a few of them 5-6 years later.



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              • Kouz_MCにより編集済み: 11/20/2019 9:43:17 AM
                Replying points by points: • D1 • D1 • D2 • D1 • D1 • D1 • D1



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              • mayo68により編集済み: 11/20/2019 11:33:28 AM
                Crota as swordbearer Crota raid Crota glitch Crucible matchmaking Human connection??? N/A Crota entering crystal room and killing FIRETEAM First nova bomb I heaved



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              • Niinja Slayerにより編集済み: 11/20/2019 4:02:47 AM
                Go watch this video by Gladd Bungie, Just look at the raid differences. D2 is like D1 easy mode. D1 we actually needed people.



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              • I think the week I ran the King’s Fall Raid 8 times in one week guiding different teams through it was when I realized I loved Destiny. I had gotten so used to the raid that I started using my Bladedancer with Blink. This Franchise has its ups and downs but I keep coming back. I hate the nerfs but I like getting creative and finding ways around them. My quick super stormcaller build is still going strong after a year because Titans and Hunters keep demanding so much attention. So Bungie, on behalf of all Warlocks please continue to give us very little to no attention at all. Pretty sure there’s another exotic or perk that needs nerfing for Titans and Hunter. PS Please give the tiny armed Titans back their Twilight Garrison, as well as the Gunslingers back their Achlyophage Symbiote, and us Warlocks back our Ram! PS:PS December is right around the corner and we’re in Year 3. It’s time for SRL!



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                • Screaming at the top of my lungs when I got gally from the og Crota exotic chest



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                • Also can we get Destiny 1’s OST back in D2? That original opening theme, literally nothing beats it.



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                • [quote] • The moment you knew you loved this game!.[/quote] Still waiting for this moment.



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                • I commented already but I just thought of another good one. I was helping 3 of my buddies through their first scourge of the past, and we were at the boss where we hit our first real snag. One of them couldn't get where to stand with the CAP system, and we kept wiping and were getting frustrated. Then, this guy goes "I know I'm supposed to be at -blam!-in P, practice makes perfect starts with P!"



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                • The first time I did the King’s Fall Raid, my entire fireteam only spoke Spanish. At the time, I spoke almost no Spanish at all (my vocabulary was limited to describing clothes, counting to 100, and asking where the library is). I also didn’t know anything about the King’s Fall Raid, and had foolishly entered without checking a walkthrough. On top of that, only two of the other players knew anything about the Raid and they were the only ones not below the recommended Light Level. We started at the very beginning and got all the way to the Warpriest before I had to leave, even after a player dropped out and we waited half an hour for a replacement. Even with our language barrier, we were able to work together and coordinate (luckily I knew the words for left and right, otherwise we would have been in serious trouble at the Totems). Later on I played with a couple of them again, and I even took on Oryx and his daughters with full Spanish fireteams. I had a great time with them (we had a lot of fun on the Tomb Ships, leaping back and forth and riding the ships in loops to guide the players who were having trouble, and we goofed around the Totems while waiting for a replacement player). Learning to do a Raid from a fireteam that didn’t even speak the same language was a special experience, and I cherish my time with them.



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                • I really feel like I belong when posts that the Bungie team make, get ignored by the Bungie team



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