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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
A_dmg04により編集済み: 11/14/2019 11:10:04 PM

Your Story

Destiny’s community is large and varied. Everyone is a little different in terms of how they defeat the Darkness. We have heard a lot of stories over the years about conquering challenges, meeting new friends, and the various ways that Destiny has touched your lives. We’d like to hear more! This isn’t a contest. It’s a way for us to get to know you better, and to hear about the kinds of in-game moments that have made the largest impact on you. So if you’re up to it, share your most memorable moments of Destiny – anything that made you feel: • A sense of tremendous achievement • A sense of belonging • Devastated or heartbroken • Utter domination • A human connection • Like laughing until you cried • The moment you knew you loved this game! Thank you for being such an amazing community. We look forward to hearing more of your stories.



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  • I for one want all the development team and every one receiving a paycheck from Bungie or their affiliates to also make a list of what they have done the last 5-6 years. Your best content? Your worst content ? The best money grab? The worst money grab? Least amount of hours worked and got paid for a full week? Most hours actually worked in a week? Favorite vacation taken ? Worst vacation taken? Worst fib ever told ? Best fib ever told ? Feel free to also add questions if need be .



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  • My story is that whenever you do something in the game I love, like solo queue comp or matchmade Nightfalls you do something else to screw casual / solo players like me. Why are there no avenues for solo players to gain pinnacle gear other than iron banner which only runs once a month. Would it be so hard to give us a pinacle drop on the reset of valor, glory or infamy. What about a weekly crucible, vanguard or gambit quest that rewarded a pinacle reward. I'm not saying make it too easy or that I want everything straight away but if you want to fireteam up you have: Heroic Nightfall Master Nightmare Hunts Raids All resetting weekly so multiple chances per week to receive pinacle rewards. If you are a solo / casual player you have iron banner once a month. I work full time and have an hour or two at the end of the night. I don't have time to raid or put aside time to connect with clan mates on a regular basis. I'm 950 plus so all my drops are worse than I already have so I'm just working my way through quests just for something to chase. I know I'll get crap from elites saying LFG but I just want to relax and not have to worry about letting other players down if I can't put in the time for a raid. I just want to pop into crucible, do a matchmade nightfall, a couple of strikes or do some quests. I can't be the only casual player who feels let down by Bungie.



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    • Messengerにより編集済み: 11/21/2019 10:13:44 AM
      [u]• A sense of tremendous achievement[/u] [b]Soloing the hard version of Sunless Cell to get the exotic solar sword Raze Lighter in D1[/b], which was then not nerfed after I had gone to the trouble of getting it and formed a useful tool in many boss encounters. [u]• A sense of belonging[/u] [b]hearing other people talk about interesting bits of lore they had uncovered[/b] which I recognised or also appreciated. But everyone also of course said they wished the cool and emotional storytelling in the lore somehow found a way to be expressed in the game in something other than a few recorded lines of dialogue on a static vendor screen or as voice over while you shoot grunts. [b]Show don't tell.[/b] [u]• Devastated or heartbroken[/u] [b]When Whisper of the Worm was nerfed[/b] repeatedly from a peak exotic that matched the grind it took to obtain, into something that is only resembles a good legendary weapon in terms of it's perks. It was unique and desireable for it's existence as an outlier. When you rein it back in it is no longer an outlier. It is no longer a true exotic, in that it can no longer change the way you play (as all exotics should). The grind for ikelos sniper/shotgun having it's box breathing/trench barrel nerfed was also lame. Making people work really hard for something that they want, then after they have finally gotten it, taking half of it back is bad form. [b]It's like your boss stealing half your paycheck back[/b] after you have done the work, because you are spending it differently than they would have liked. When you need to balance stuff, introduce, or bring a couple of things up to challenge the meta and provide enduring options to forever justify the hard to acquire weapons, don't hammer down what people have worked hard to get and enjoy using,[b] give those pieces competition at their own level[/b]. [u]• Utter domination[/u] running my finally assembled[b] one-punch hunter build to carry my new light friends through nightfalls. [/b] [u]• A human connection[/u] [b]D1 kings fall raid[/b], had some good friends on there, because getting onto voice comms with randoms was easier when in end game activities without having to use 3rd party software like discord where your in game friends are not the same as your discord friends. [u]• Like laughing until you cried[/u] "[b]the helmet stayed on[/b]" the best lore is either super intriguing and high concept or amusing and character driven. They are really the only part of the game that seems weighty to me. [u]• The moment you knew you loved this game![/u] i love parts of it, but i feel like everything needs to be story like. Everything that humans make. Music, art, architecture. Everything needs to have a beginning, middle and end. [b]A 3 act structure that gives a feeling of hope, conflict, journey, resolution and reward[/b]. I will love it when it brings that sense to all aspects. The music and sets are great, but the characters, stories and more than half of the activities are not there yet. I think if we bring a touch of Whedon's or Kubrick's storytelling style to this game then we'll have something great.



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    • Please take my feedback for RNG based loot in raids or elsewhere there should be blueprints imagine how happy people would be doing Anarchy blueprint or 1k voices instead of doing raids over and over and getting nothing but disappointments I play games to make me feel better not to get disappointed , running raids with lfg is fine but gets bad more and more u do it however if i had a blueprint to work for that will make huge gameplay time and makes me feel better for effort



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    • Racebumにより編集済み: 11/21/2019 8:37:41 AM
      Most memorable moment in Destiny? Definitely beating Atheon in the first month after release. Heartbroken? Your constant meddling with weapons. Hate would be a better word than heartbroken. Refusing to invest in decent PVP servers and Implement Regional barriers is yet another. It's really not fun when you get in matches and realize if you win or lose is mostly RNG based on ping and player stacking A sense of belonging? I don't really think this is a crowd I want to belong in? I've met quite a few people over the years and I've made one good friend out of all of them. We go mountain biking and hang out from time to time. The rest of the people? Lot of anxiety, social disorders, anger, basically dysfunctional. That's a lot of The Gaming Community. It's also why I think there should be a solid solo player model. It's just not that easy, in fact it's downright difficult to find a good group of people who actually want to stick around and don't have psychological issues Lastly it really feels like you guys have lost your direction. Destiny 2 does physically play better. That's cool but the feeling is gone. Peter Dinklage was a much better ghost voice. His death a presentation sounded correct for an AI in a dark world. The raids and the stories in Destiny 1 also fit that. Destiny 2 is like a mishmash of grinding and a reward system based on raising your light.



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    • Raにより編集済み: 11/21/2019 6:40:53 AM
      I remember doing the story mission back in D1. Going up the stairs and walking into a very dark room. All of a sudden the "boss music starts playing" and bunch of thralls show up. Scared me shitless. I spent 6 month of Destiny just doing patrols of cosmodrome farming spider tank in Divide. Just sitting there on top of the platform just waving at strangers and shooting thralls with Trax lysis 2. Made a really cool friend who doesn't play destiny anymore shout-out to nebmug. Sometimes hovering over raids like VOG from orbit reading description about it saying to myself that I will never be able to step foot in these so called "raid" activities. But I did get to raid and the first raid was Crotas end. No I did not have gjallarhorn but I did manage to lie about being experienced with swordbearing. Got kicked couple of times until I actually got the hang of the Swordbearing thing. Then I just kept out my eyes for posts in destinyteamfinder for swordbears so I could hop in. Got some legendary sniper on my 3rd completetion and deleted it. Little did I know. Got Fatebringer and Black Hammer to drop but I was still waiting on that Gjallarhorn. Fast forward to trials on burning shrine when snipers reigned supreme. I made 2 new friends one which I still play with till this day. We have a laugh looking back at where it all started. About how we keep promising that this will be the last dlc we will get but here we are a bit guilty. Throwback to when Nightfall were actually hard and had to use underhanded tactics such as hiding behind rock during Nexus Mind.



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    • The toxic nature of finding a raid group in the companion app... Must have 1000+ clears and ice breaker and wear 2 exotic armor pieces.... Fml



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      • Someone whip out youre grimoire cardz for the story hes looking for



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        • My greatest memories of this game revolves around trials of osiris, although I like destiny it hasnt been the same since trials was removed. Although trials in D2 was okay, it couldn't compare to D1. That first trip to the lighthouse was one of the best feelings in destiny. What also could not be better was the feeling of a flawless run carrying friends who had tried for 2 years to get to see the lighthouse for themselves. The lighthouse before it became a social space felt exclusive, a true reward for running a successful card in a more competitive PvP. Please bring trials back, Bungie.



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          2 通の返信
          • D1 was great. D2 is hot garbage. The end.



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          • Nothing was as enticing and fun as destiny 1 vault of Glass with five close friends. Destiny 2 seems like a sick parody of that game.



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          • Bungie has too many basic issues with the game to be wasting employee hours on this.



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            • I finally got the Not Forgotten thanks to the solo playlist and I'm so happy. A shame it's not as good as it once was but it looks really cool and I'm glad I'm good enough for legend rank!



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            • I think my new favorite moment from this game was flipping to this app in my phone today to see what everyone else thought of that lame ass final assault and seeing that most of your player base hates shadowkeep, season of undying and see how lazy you guys have become. Fingers crossed you guys go bankrupt for all the money you've scammed out of people!



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              • RareBEAR1028により編集済み: 11/21/2019 5:52:08 AM
                Tremendous group achievement: doing CoS fresh in a fireteam made up of LFGs that knew nothing about the raid (myself included). Nobody quit, we hung in there and cleared it. That was truly amazing! Best solo achievement: getting recluse. I know to most people that is a cakewalk, but for me it was special. Disappointment: not getting the anarchy after too many runs, bummer. Seeing trials and faction rallies disappear from the game, also a bummer. What made me love destiny: alot of things... PVP and PVE in the same game. LOOT and lots of it. I enjoyed pinnacles while they lasted, I enjoyed the unique trophy stuff. Raids (especially GoS and SoTP) and engaging story content (forsaken). Hidden exotic quests like whisper of the worm, damn that was cool (I still visit that containment room portal on io from time to time to see if that thing will actually become a secret quest). Also I really liked the black armory DLC. Special human condition moment: not knowing anything about destiny and having some person from Ireland spend hours with me. He showed me what the game is about and how to get some neat loot. Utter domination: spamming and chaining supers in escalation protocols. Haha that was like mayhem for PVE. The amount of orbs on the ground after multiple runs was comical. Funny moments: I had lots, but nothing beats the times me and the pals had a few drinks and hopped in the crucible. Endless laughs.



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              • just playing Crucible in the destiny 1 beta had me. I like most of the freedom it gives a person to go around the map and take out your enemies. as i grew with the game ive met people on xbox. did all the raids met new people had some fun times. Then i trasfered to Ps4 during the iron wolves dlc. Played with my cousin and started a clan with another firend of ours. after that we did more raids and found a couple more people during raids. We actually had someone who moved to the same state as us and hes a good friend of ours now. people do go away from time to time but they come back and we catch up, play some crucible or show them whats new in Destiny. At first from destiny 2 i didnt like the bulkiness of the titan, now that shadowkeep is out it feels good to have armour of standard size. Makes my character look like something off of halo. ah man going through that first dungeon with only me and my cousin underleveld was a challenge that we accomplished, took us half the day and a little tweaking, but we got through it at then end. just to get the wish ender before the 3 week cycle reset. but yea probably felt all of those emotions through out destiny, pretty sure most people did as well. thats a summary of like 10 yrs. Planning to stick with Destiny for a while. i



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              • All of these things happened to me in D1 except feeling devastated/heartbroken. First raid was kings fall, it blew my mind. Still my favorite followed by wrath. Great feelings of accomplishment and reward. Sense of belonging when I found my clan. They’re the ones I had the best times with. Devastating was when they all quit playing during D2 vanilla. None of them ever came back. I quit for a while again after that until forsaken. From then on I’ve been solo, i don’t have the time or energy to look for a good clan again and who knows how long they’d last for. I think it’s time for me to take another break from destiny. Maybe I’ll come back in a few seasons. Maybe not. It’s just not fun for me. I’m just grinding for weapons I’ll never use.



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              • I booted up destiny 2 for the first time and thought to myself “oh boy I can’t wait, this has got to be way better than the first one” Then I played through the campaign...and oh boy how wrong I was...that’s my story! Hope ya’ll enjoyed it. :) [spoiler]before anyone jumps down my throat settle down, I’m only having a bit of fun.[/spoiler]



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              • The moment where D1 ended. And everyone was ready to migrate to d2. All my old d1 friends abandoned the game because it was hot garbage. Then we get this new final assault. And I got on see what the forums had to say about how bad it is 👍



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              • Games that got me back into gaming:batman arkham series,infamous 2,and then Destiny.last time i was gaming was halo 2,all of tony hawk games.silent hill.,but soon after i quit gaming for awhile. until i started playing spider man shattered dimensions,ben 10 with my the time could not afford internet at the beginning of Destiny 1 so i came in at the taken king.the live action trailers hooked me.especially with zepellin as background music.but it was the kingsfall raid and challenge modes and the black spindle missions that all kinda brought me together with my was innovative and fresh and mysterious and special and memorable and rewarding.bring that magic back!



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              • I was playing and I said something dumb and everyone on my fireteam got confused



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              • TronMPCにより編集済み: 11/19/2019 10:36:34 PM
                Remember the time Bobby Bueche showed up at half time and the mud dogs won the bourbon bowl, do you?



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                • That final moment when after weeks of vigilance and effort building a portal, where will it go? What will we find? Will this really halt the Vex? We will know soon enough, the portal is complete. That minute when you approach the portal, knowing your efforts all this time will pay off. Any time now, wait for it, wait for it..... Oh? Did you have to spend the dev money on settling “show me on the doll where Luke Smith touched you” suits again?



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                • All this, only happened in D1! Since D2 came out, Destiny lost its memorable moments completely... And I blame your greed bungie! Get back on track where you were in moments of triumphs. And maybe I will have moments like in D1 again.



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                • My worst and most saddened experience was when I discovered D2 wasnt actually a fun continuation of D1 the game I loved and play more hours than I would ever care to admit.



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                • Ive legit watched this company go from god tier to literal shit in 12 years Halo 3 era bungie would be crying



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