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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
11/14/2019 1:46:07 AM

The Ordeal on legend this week. 950+

Ok, so this weeks ordeal is toasty, to say the least. With an arc subclass you can run through the Final Boss Brakion easily no sweat, arc rockets and arc grenades will stun him, leaving a window open where you can go all out with your arc super abilities. The difficulty comes from the shields on the hydra and minotuars that require the same elemental energy to break. Purple shields require void energy and blue shields require arc energy, respectively. Now don't get me wrong with a complete fireteam any subclass will do but for the time factor, you will need to run through Brakion in two routes at least or he will surround you with purple laser beam firing Hydra, that want nothing more than to roast you and your ghost. Eriana's vow is a complete handcannon against the goblins and all enemies without shields. The quantum counterparts of each enemy require at least two full mags of any weapon or two Gaurdians to destroy them. A bow equipped with overload arrows and a chest armor Disruptor spike mod from the seasonal artifact, will take care of those overlords. When the overlord champions armor lights up and it takes its first step it's ready to get hit with another round of overload ammo/arrows. The disruption is subtle you have to give the overlord a chance to get back on its feet or you will just waste arrows and ammo. I've seen countless Gaurdians get trigger happy with overlord ammo and get destroyed by the raging overlord because they couldn't reload in time to disrupt the champion a second time. The minotaurs with purple/void shields are the main enemies, most note worthy the Wanted Minotaur at the last gate. The barrier champions are the same as they were last week. Try to keep them from restoring full health with a powerful energy weapon and one shield piercing weapon waiting patiently to break the champions barrier everytime it tries to use it. Making sure your fire team has a complete arsenal before you begin is essential to a satisfying completion . Also this post is for the legend difficulty only.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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