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10/22/2019 5:29:36 PM

Mortal Kombat Quest Characters

So I got my girlfriend to try out MKX because I was itching for some MK action, would've preferred to start with the better story of 9 but I thought X was better for a beginner. So now that Arnold is fighting in MK11, I was thinking about who could be a DLC fighter in Mortal Kombat. My top three would be: Krieg the Psycho (Borderlands 2) This dude is the perfect fit for MK, brutal, bloody, sadomasochistic and a professional conductor of the poop train. I can just see him be a gappler/bruiser who sets himself on fire to get buffs. The Hunter (Bloodborne) Brutal game, a lot of weapons and already build in combo system in the actual game. Variations/loadout moves could have different weapons. Stake Driver parry? Evelyn zoning tool? Cleaver as the main neutral game tool? Could also have different moves from the other hunters as the fatalities. Guardians (You know the game) Mainly for MKX mostly, three Guardian classes, three variations for the character. Easy money. Not as brutal as a game, but the moves each variation has blend really well into a fighting game. With Warlock more as a puppeteer/controller with rifts and Arc soul.



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