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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
GetSpaghettにより編集済み: 10/16/2019 6:59:46 PM

Breakneck: The Numbers!

Aztecross's latest video gave me information to a question that was bugging me earlier today. I decided to run some calculations to see exactly how Breakneck was hit. We know that the increase in fire rate reduces the bullet damage, but how did it affect the gun's DPS? That's the big thing. So I ran the numbers provided by his video and here's what I found. These results are rounded, and it's assuming the fire rate is 480/600/600/720 as the video said, so keep that in mind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [u]At one stack[/u] of rampage, Breakneck does [u]+23.9%[/u] extra DPS. Not bad. [u]At 2 stacks[/u], the [b]DPS ACTUALLY DROPS TO [u]+21%[/u][/b] [u]At 3 stacks[/u], the DPS jumps up to [u]+39.85%[/u], which is nice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So in conclusion, at 1 stack of rampage, Breakneck is superior to normal rampage, hands down. At 2 stacks, it is exactly equal, so onslaught is actually a pure detriment since it only makes you run out of ammo faster. At 3 stacks, it does 6.85% more base damage than 3 the 33% average most buffs give now. However, that means that Breakneck at 3 stacks of rampage is only doing 5.15% total extra DPS over another gun at max 33% damage output.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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