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10/14/2019 8:04:53 AM

UK/EU PS4 Clan The Lunar Pack is recruiting! Hi there Are you tired of running solo? Fed up of being let down by blueberries in gambit? Wishing you had a team for Comp or Raids? Well look no further! The Lunar Pack are a friendly bunch who are happy to help each other out and are crazy good fun too (to be fair we're just a little crazy but all the best people are 😉). We run weekly raids but also team up for milestones like Gambit or Crucible and if you need help with a quest you should have no trouble getting help from your clanmates. We use Discord as a manditory requirement for our clan as it helps us create a community of friends rather than a static clan thats just about getting results where no one talks to each other. If you'd like to be more than just a number in a clan roster and you like what you read above then just drop us a join request and we'll be in touch. Thanks for reading, look forward to welcoming you to the pack 🐺
#Clans #PvP #PS4 #pve



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