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9/29/2019 8:25:43 PM

Das Geheimnis — ‼️‼️(XB1 Clan Recruiting)

Allow me to let you in on a secret. Das Geheimnis - The Secret, we are a small clan, but are looking to recruit new members with Shadowkeep basically here. We don't care if you're primarily PvP, or PvE. If you're looking for a friendly group to do raids with, a group to run Iron Banner with, people to help with getting that elusive 2100 glory, or anything in between, you may have a home with us. We're looking for people who are active players in whatever content they choose to do. The type of people we're looking for are those without any sort of hostility toward their clan mates, people who can keep a level head even when things get frustrating in game, people who can laugh and have a good time. We don't care about your skill level, or your experience in the many different aspects of the game. We don't care about your experience, we have people who can help you learn the raid mechanics, or help you learn how to snipe better, whatever it may be. We're looking to play with like-minded players. Interested? Check us out.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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