[Path of Unyielding Dawn][NA][PC] Recruiting Active Guardians for Shadowkeep!
You there! Yes, you! We're talking to you Guardian! We have condensed and purged inactive members for the opening of Shadowkeep. We're looking to fill those ranks with eager, friendly and active members. I'm not going to spin a yarn and tell you we're "not like other clans" and all that mushy stuff. I'm just going to tell you what you can look forward to with our clan!
--->Active Discord, both Voice & Text channels.
--->Daily activities ranging from Story Missions to Raids, Crucible Tournaments and more!
--->Occasional merch and gift card contests!
--->Experienced and professional Sherpas for every area of the game!
--->Friendly, efficient Admins with a strong sense of community!
--->A Meme channel. Yes, we have a Meme channel.
--->Much, much more!
So take a chance on us, Guardians. We are an old clan with stable professional leadership and we want to help you make your Destiny 2 experience incredible! I won't promise you the Traveler, but I can promise we'll do our best! We're kind of strict on activity, but only to the point that we ask ya to play/chat with us at least once a week. Not too much to ask, I think. Drop us a line over Battle.net or Discord and let's get you in!
General Groovy -- Clan Founder/Leader -- BNET : GeneralHoovy#1640 -- DISCORD : GeneralRHoovy#2675
Kazzy -- Clan Admin/Raid Division Leader -- BNET : Kazzy#1917 -- DISCORD : Kazzy#1917