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9/23/2019 5:43:51 AM

Understanding Cross-save (Have different accounts/content on PS4 & PC)

For Cross-save, I want to have my PS4 characters be my Active Characters. I also have characters on PC whom I'm not interested in using come New Light/Shadowkeep with an account I have yet to import to Steam. On PS4, I own D2 and the Y1 expansions, but not Forsaken or the Season Pass content. On PC, I own Forsaken and the Season Pass. If I choose to make my PS4 characters my Active Characters for Cross-save, does that mean I won't have access to some Forsaken content because I didn't own it on PS4? Or is there any way that Destiny will recognize I owned Forsaken in some capacity and allow me to access that content on PS4 and my new Steam account once I set that up? Basically, I want to know if I use my PS4 characters on PC come New Light/Shadowkeep, I'll still have access to the Forsaken story/raid/etc without having to buy Forsaken again. Thanks!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • [quote]For Cross-save, I want to have my PS4 characters be my Active Characters. I also have characters on PC whom I'm not interested in using come New Light/Shadowkeep with an account I have yet to import to Steam. On PS4, I own D2 and the Y1 expansions, but not Forsaken or the Season Pass content. On PC, I own Forsaken and the Season Pass. If I choose to make my PS4 characters my Active Characters for Cross-save, does that mean I won't have access to some Forsaken content because I didn't own it on PS4? Or is there any way that Destiny will recognize I owned Forsaken in some capacity and allow me to access that content on PS4 and my new Steam account once I set that up? Basically, I want to know if I use my PS4 characters on PC come New Light/Shadowkeep, I'll still have access to the Forsaken story/raid/etc without having to buy Forsaken again. Thanks![/quote] Yes. You can access Forsaken content on PC.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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