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9/20/2019 3:06:47 PM

SteamPlay Support Post ShadowKeep?

Hi there There have already been a fair few posts about this but I just want to add my voice into the mix. Personally I would love to be able to play d2 on linux through steam when it launches in a couple of weeks. The game runs great! The only issue is that players have been banned for this due to: [quote]Modified operating system files including emulators and virtual machines[/quote] I don't think this is a reason to ban people as it doesn't match what is going on, as either proton or wine only supplement windows specific calls with linux compatible ones like vulcan and don't emulate a windows system. There is the argument that the only officially supported os on pc is windows and at the very least, that is what the reason for the ban should be in my opinion. It may also increase developer workload to check for linux exploits on top of windows ones. Of that I think that at least not banning linux users should be given a trial period. [url][/url] A decent amount of people want this too What are your thoughts on this matter now we are coming up to the steam launch? Thank you for your time



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • ADragonWithinにより編集済み: 9/20/2019 4:06:45 PM
    There has been no confirmation of creating a Linux or Mac version of Destiny 2. SteamPlay requires that the game be released on the platform in question and is a shared license among the different versions of the game's release across those platforms. Because Destiny 2 does not currently have a Linux or Mac version and specifically requires Windows, then it is not supported by SteamPlay. There's literally no Mac or Linux version of the game to gain the shared license to. - If you want to request this as a possible thing for the future, you'll need to post over in the Destiny 2 - Feedback forums. - If you're asking about the ability to stream gameplay through Steam's streaming gameplay feature, that's entirely an option, as the main system running it will be Windows PC; all the Steam game streaming service does is shares inputs from the client and video from the host computer. It's not emulating anything, it's just extending the virtual cables, so to speak. It's the same service that the SteamLink uses. This service is entirely different from SteamPlay. - Concerning your responses to the other comments ; using any means to access the game and make it think Windows is running it when Windows is not actually running it falls under the category of emulation, which is specifically mentioned in the help article concerning ways that one might get banned. Regardless of how it tries to make the game think Windows is running it, it still falls under that category as far as Bungie's policy is concerned. If it's not Windows but trying to make the game think it's Windows, that's bad.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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