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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Seiryokuにより編集済み: 9/6/2019 6:35:00 PM

A Wraith Hunters Flawless Execution (Truesight)

In the current age we still call Hunters people with guns. I understand some people can't be impartial or observe a thing objectively, so they down vote without even using Hunter, but that is a very heavy handed nerf. 3 seconds of that and invisibility is nothing. 9 seconds WAS A LONG TIME to be sure, but 3 seconds makes it all but pointless to stop for a crouched shot. It takes a second for the wallhack overlay to establish itself as is, as it ebbs and flows. A moment of invis and you break the lunge distance. Since the super nerf, this class remained viable cause of its passive game, despite it's T-Rex arms sans smoke grenade. Now everyone should stick to Arc strider (the last Hunter roaming likely up for a nerf) and Blade barrage. At least you decided to leave the already nerfed super armor resilience untouched on it and Goldy (which has nothing). The new armor looks nice though.



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