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8/8/2019 1:01:20 AM

Can’t play online unless I’m already in a FireTeam with one other person?

Hey I’ve had this problem for about 2 weeks hoping it would have fixed its self... can someone help me out? Before you ask: -I’m on Xbox and have contacted them to no response -every other online game I have (call of duty, Titan fall, MHW...) works perfectly fine besides a few lag spikes. -I’ve reset my router and modem COUNTLESS times -I’ve tried different times of the day still can’t find anyone -this is about Destiny 2 I can log onto destiny perfectly fine, dismantle stuff, get exotics/other weapons back, I can join other FireTeams and even create my own everything is perfectly fine EXCEPT when it comes to joining anything online by myself/hosting a fire team. No one seems to be online... I’ll go to the loading screen and it’ll show that it’s waiting for players to join... then no one would join! Crucible, gambit, strikes and night falls if I play by myself it’s a 1000% chance I will find no one... the only way I can play online is if I’m in a FireTeam with a friend of mine but I can’t be the leader of the fire team! We will find no one if I’m the leader/by myself. Even when I go to the tower it acts like I’m offline but I can do everything by myself -for examples of this. -when I log onto the tower no one will be there except for me and the npc’s I can do everything normally like buy items turn in crucible/strike tokens and even do the new event (by my self) -This new event (solstice of hero’s) I tried to play it by myself and couldn’t find anyone... join my friend on Xbox and BAM instantly found people... later I left the fireteam did it myself and found no one... I sat there for 5 minutes and found no one but I can do the event by myself? -I can wait for a crucible match but never find one (aka sitting there for 20+ minutes to still no one joining) same with gambit -if I try to do strikes it just loads me in by myself after a while (5-10+ minutes) Is anyone else having this problem/has ANYONE fixed it? It’s pretty annoying...



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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