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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
MurdeyMDにより編集済み: 7/21/2019 1:55:16 AM

Titans are actually useless.

[b]So let me start by saying I main a titan.[/b] Yes I know I've heard it all before... just switch to warlock. Yup, Maybe if quests were account wide that would be an option but I'm no way working on all of my current quests again its just stupid at this point. [b]So back to titans.[/b] They are officially useless in every aspect of the game right now compared to the other 2 classes and here's some examples in both cases of PvE/PvP: [b]PvE[/b] [u]Hunter has:[/u] The bow to tether Invisibility Dodging to regain full ammo plus invis if you choose it A ton of exotics that actually buff the classes and create more DPS - So let's be honest quite good survivability and team value [u]Warlock has[/u] Multiple standard rifts Blink jump Well of radiance Plus again a multitude of great exotics to buff class DPS - Again great survivability and team value [u]Now the useless titan[/u] Barricade And maybe melting point if you dont get slammed by a boss Plus maybe one exotic that does basically nothing in any real situation - Survivability basically non existent and next to no team value This has been happening a lot lately when looking to do a raid or something of that type you get kicked for being a titan now because we have nothing to benefit the team in any encounter.. Oh nice you got barricade to help with reload? Yeah that dude has well that does that plus gives you extra damage and keeps you alive! Dude! All titans are good for now is getting in the way with there big ass armor and I know I main the stupid thing[/b] [b]So in hindsight something to benefit a team an make us valuable would be nice like come on we have bubble but why on earth cant we shoot out of it! What is the point of a bubble to just sit in it for 8 seconds until the enemy has blasted it to dust. Also give us some sort of maneuvering ability or even bring back the twilight garrison or just something of that nature do something do anything to help because this is stupid now.[/b] That's just about all I have to rant about at the moment and I'm sure theres plenty I got wrong or things I didn't add so feel free to add them in the comments and give me your abuse but if you do so just do me a favour and try doing a bit of comp as a titan right now or try doing some end game activity that requires you to survive while doing other mechanics with no help from a warlock and let me know how you get on and unless your some sort of (titan god) good luck with that because its beyond a joke at this point. Thanks for reading and have a good day. [b]EDIT![/b] Yeah ok I actually agree with most of you, Also my only gripe with PvP and maining a titan is maneuvering is terrible compared to the other 2 classes with blink/dodge titans dont have any of that.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • I wouldn’t say that they’re useless, just outshone. Warlocks have Well of Radiance, which is way better than bubble. Melting point is the only real useful PvE ability besides barricades. In PvP, striker titan needs a nerf or change. Shoulder charge needs a change as well. Other than that, they’re just ok. Titans can be useful; it just depends on the person playing.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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