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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
TheShadow-caliにより編集済み: 7/19/2019 9:44:06 PM

Hardcore vs Casual, Is Bungie holding this game back knowing it can have more of a balance?

There are some that think Destiny is being created more for hardcore gamers and there is no changing their mind about. Nothing wrong with that, it's their opinion. Personally, I believe how things have been handled have to do more with trying to get players time spent in certain activities. The reason I say this is because most everything in this Destiny is not really a challenge, it's just extended grind time using bounties/quest and RNG with low drop rates with certain achievements. IMO the game is being held back knowing how easy it is to cater to both Casual/hardcore even though some think it's not. This is just a small list of things that can benefit both groups and I can make a Huge list that it wouldn't be that hard for Bungie to do to have more of a balance between both groups. It's just a matter of how willing Bungie is to put in that effort. [spoiler]Edit: Bungie can start the balance by adding a normal mode to all raids as D2 should have had when it released Crucible needs new maps that are 6v6 maps. 4v4 is 75% of the issue with PvP. Stop with the overdone mindless grind when it comes to quests just to get their quota for a players time spent in this game. Look for a happy medium, they have had 12 years of working on destiny to figure this out. Stop with the Obsession they have with exotic hand cannons because exotics themselves are not even close to being balanced when creating exotics. Update vendors giving them an inventory and not just use them as a bounty placeholder. Bring back factions because it doesn't take any company in this entire world over a year to figure out what to do with something so small. Update Blind Well giving it specific loot Update strikes giving it specific loot. Update EP making it relevant Add optional matchmaking to the Nightfall[/spoiler] Bungie, how about adding things that can benefit both groups like a normal raid mode like D1 had so it give more options for the player base to learn the raids, you can even add a 3rd mode making them more of a challenge for those that say they are a hardcore gamer. You have options and plenty of them, to say the least. Edit: Thank you for those that were respectful and had an open mind about the topic. Actually, a lot of you were, It's nice to see there are people that can look at the overall and have a decent conversation on this forum in spite of who agrees or disagrees 👍 People are allowed to have a different opinion, there is nothing wrong with that, what matters is how one presents themselves that will determine where any conversation will head.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • PAPASITO 30により編集済み: 7/19/2019 12:08:45 AM
    One thing I agree with you on. Since D2 came out less and less people have been running raids. You can check Destiny tracker. I remember back in the day almost everyone on my friend list would be have at least completed normal raids Vault of Glass, Crota, and King's Fall raid. You could just see it by the gear they had and emblems. I think out of everyone on my friends list now, maybe only 5 out of maybe 50 players completed any raids in Destiny 2. I agree that adding a normal raid mode would help players. And have a second mode called Mythic that benefits the hardcore, have Mythic raid drop better or more loot. That is one thing that turned me off from doing raids in D2. I just don't have the time to sit there and wipe for 4 hours straight till everyone learns the raid. Vault of Glass was a good example of how raids should be done minus the glitches and exploits. most of that raid relied on gun skill and let certain great players shine. Let the people who are really good carry the team, and didn't require every single person to know all the encounters. And all this stuff about symbols and things like that, it confuses people. Many people can't even talk on a mic. Some people have children and wives outside of the game. These people still want to get end game loot like 1k voices or Anarchy. The other thing is Nightfalls? What is the point of them? I know back in Destiny 1 it was a way to get exotic drops. Now I just don't understand what is the reason to do Nightfalls, they don't increase your exotic drop rates as far as I know. And the scoring thing seems kind of pointless to me. I stopped running nightfalls since they became just strike with modifiers.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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