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7/16/2019 11:01:17 PM
I agree, i feel lots of it has to do with communication too. Its not really a conversation, it’s more us (the community) speaking to someone who just smiles at us. Theres no appreciation of feedback and especially no dev feedback on much larger, conflicting posts. Which is why your post probably will be forgotten sadly. Additionally i think theres something to be said about the loud minority of elitists in your post and in the community overall who don’t seem to grasp what destiny is and isn’t and what an RPG and MMO is and the difference between a Enjoyable grind, a Grind and a Chore that destiny is for the most part. Its sad cause they’re the people who will see a terrible system like cores, like infusion, like 2 blues from a strike, from a public event and see the lack of vendor diversity, purpose and overall enjoyment and just say ‘dont like the grind leave’, or ‘thats what an MMORPG is... No, thats not what it is, at all, as you said, 1500 GL kills is not a fun grind, its a chore. And admittedly yes there will be an inevitability of kill collect quests, but that doesn’t mean that every, single pve quest needs to be. HOWEVER, that brings out the crux of destinys issues, is a looter shooter, an fps mmo lite. The mechanics and things you can do are limited by the very nature of the game. Theres no evolving classes, heavy build depth like WoW, theres no crazy cool weapons like Dark Souls, there is NO diversity in destiny equipment and id wager its cause of the ever loveable PvP crowd. So until PvP becomes a second thought and bungie just lets go of all creative restrictions destiny 2 and 3 will stay the same boring game with the same stale weapons.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Communicate has been a little better but with selective hearing. Take factions for an example, that Bungie has had the worst communication that I have ever seen from any company. They call communication saying "we're still looking into it" for over a year. There is no company in this entire world that needs to take over a year to figure out what to do on something so small in a game. I mean, how hard is it to just explain what their plans are instead of ignoring the player base for over a year? This is not an insult to Bungie, it's just saying where is the actual communication and why is it so hard for them to at least try. It hurts no one for them to actually talk to their player base.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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