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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
7/10/2019 6:48:40 PM

Forum Feedback

Hey all, Pinning this to the Destiny 2 forum, as I'm currently looking through some feedback on our forums and structure. I recently did a quick tweet asking players who may not visit the forums here on some questions, as I'd love to make this place more appealing for the broad community. Now, I'm looking for feedback from those who are on here more frequently, namely you! This isn't a question of what we can do better in terms of making in-game changes to Destiny 2. My goals here are to get some thoughts from you on the current state of our forums. If you could answer the following, it'd be much appreciated. [quote]• What do you find most important to your browsing experience? • Do you find yourself frequently engaging with forums, or more often browsing associated media/group messaging apps for information/discussion? (Think Twitter, Discord, Youtube, etc) • What changes would you like to see that would make the forums a more welcoming place for community engagement?[/quote]



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  • GenXerにより編集済み: 7/11/2019 5:22:55 PM
    I come to the forums for information on what's happening in Destiny 2. The forums are great for quickly gauging what's bugged, what's new, what the latest cheeses are, and of course, what's got people up in arms. It's the meta-content for the game content. What I don't find on the forums often or quickly enough are specifics such as where Mists on Nessus is. Generally, if I'm, looking for a specific location, I go out to the broader Internet to search for it. Likewise for quest steps, I search the net. I've found searching the forums to be a feckless adventure. For the real content, I go elsewhere. I wish that would change. I'd love the forums to become more of a searchable repository for information, lore, schedules, events, maps, stats, kit, etc. I love the weekly inforgraphic that is posted by one of the users/content creators. Also, the weekly location of Xur is appreciated. Sure, I can remember the algorithm for finding him (weekly flashpoint, but if on expansion world then in tower), but it's nice to see it at a glance. I imagine with the advent of the new F2P content that algorithm may become moot, but I digress. As for making this place more of luck. There will always be that element who loves to troll. It's [i]en vogue[/i]. Weeding out that element would go a long way. Removing responses that have nothing to do with the game such as negative racial, gender, and politically charged responses would help. They have no place, here. Pinning hot-button issues might help cut down on the spam, as well. That way, we can have a place for people to vent and discuss what's happening in and with the game and feel heard without having to spam the boards. Of course, the corollary to this is to remove the spammy posts, directing people to the pinned topics. Leaving it to the current algorithms of Trending and New isn't cutting it. When Destiny was first laid out to us, many of us had an idea of what a ten year plan for a universe would be. I'm sure most of us have yet to see that realized. Part of that realization can come through the boards with a bit more effort to add significant content. Too much of this game is dispersed. Perhaps, allowing....or giving the disparate content creators space on to showcase their work would help bring it all together. That way, Bungie doesn't have to do all the heavy lifting, and content creators aren't left twisting in the wind if Bungie were to do all the work themselves. Just some ideas from The Monkeydome. Game on.



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  • I would love to see more back and forth engagement with the community on many topics. For example, when there is a post asking questions or complaining about Factions, get in there. Engage. Give some insight to why changes were made, what went wrong, and what could be done moving forward. I think many people, even if they don't like the answers provided, would appreciate being involved with actual discussion rather than 'thanks for the post, we'll pass it along'.



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  • I only like to troll on here so no need to change anything...except enhancement cores.



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  • Bring back the tbag avatar..



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  • Needs more/better moderation.



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    1 返信
    • -Fireteam forums need tweaked, lag is terrible, using both pc or phone, with great connection.



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    • 1

      I'm 49. - 5/31/2024 2:54:13 AM

      1. The topic. Features are not important to me. That being said, I don't know how to quote and edit and all of that stuff, so that might not be visible to me in my phone. If you want a suggestion this forums format sucks. Clicking a notification doesn't take me straight to the post in question, and people can reply all over shoving other replies down or making it appear like people ignored replies because they were actually added later. 2. I use forums almost daily. Reddit is okay, but I'm not fluent in that. 3. More engagement from bungie really. It's obvious the main reason we post here is to share feedback we want you to see. I also think you should allow fan art submissions of a written nature since you accept visual and video submissions.



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    • 0
      I'm not happy about the tribute hall exploit. Not Happy at all and is something I am against. I also do not like using up all my resources for it either. I do love the tribute hall idea.



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    • You guys best be patching this tribute hall cheese and the super cheese as well.



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    • People found a way that if you use the Super tribute you can add ebdless super energy to all your armor gear, and when your in your super, you just switch to that other armor and you have full super again. Great job bungie.



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    • Give fanfic it's own section and get it out of lore tag



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    • Ogma: Destroyer of Worldsにより編集済み: 7/11/2019 5:14:02 PM
      I prefer to check here because it’s directly from the source. That being said, it doesn’t feel like much gets listened or even simply responded to. I’ve been frequenting the forums since first starting D1 and there are a few issues that have been repeatedly brought up by the community since the beginning of this series and they don’t even seem to get responded to, let alone considered. Things that I think have come up far too frequently to simply attribute it to them getting “lost in the noise” of the forum.



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    • - Most important SHOULD be news...... it's not. So the secondary option is the clan chat - I used to, however, see next answer for full explanation. - Actual Bungie participation. The forums feel like the last place to go for information compared to Twitter, Reddit or even 3rd party info. Aside from TWaB, the majority of the BEST info, comes when other sites post Bungie's communications to players, which is frustrating. If you want the forums to improve, then it's going to take more meaningful participation on Bungie's part to make this site people's choice for info.



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    • @Dmg04 there's a serious issue when i go into crucible i frequently see my team and the enemies team players transparent to the point that you can only see their gamer tags above their heads and this started after the recent update



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      3 通の返信
      • NomadEnigma4154により編集済み: 7/11/2019 5:21:50 PM
        [I have a small list of things that I (and a few others) see as things that could improve here, mostly that can be done at your end. 1: Bring back gaming, please. 2: perhaps a fanfic subforum. 3: get involved with game feedback more, following this sublist: a) actually talk with the guy giving feedback in comments or a pm before “passing it on to the team.” b) maybe get the team themselves to chat with guys giving feedback, so that they can give a little more perspective to the feedback giver. c) hold polls (edit: preferably in game) to see what game issues should take priority. d) make all changes in patch notes clear so there isn’t any smoke and mirrors regarding changes. 4: change your censorship so that things like -blam!- aren’t made -blam!-, ok? 5: exclude things such as calling out people for shitty in-game behavior from name and shame. 6: our own images for profile pics, please? I think that’s everything, but I’ll add more if commenters day things I forgot.]



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        2 通の返信
        • If we could get a list of already known issues, or planned changes, that would be invaluable. I don't know how many posts I have or others have made on issues that have already been responded to. Also, with the "bungie replied posts" could you make it so that it's easier to find the reply? Sometimes you've gotta sift through 59 different comments before finding it.



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        • For one, we could use official surveys from Bungie so they know exactly what we like, dislike, and want more or less of. For another... maybe a Subforum titled “Bread”, just because you can. 😄



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        • Some better and more frequent moderation from Bungie / paid for moderators. I've running online continual research communities and there are some really basic things missing here: 1. Not banning people enough - there should be some clear rules when joining the forums. If people don't abide, they're banned. Don't let them ruin things for other people. 2. Removing duplicate posts. I'm thinking of the times we've had things like 'remove enhancement cores' where the top 50 posts are all on the same thing. 3. Related to the above - more feedback (of value) from the Bungie team. If you reply more often and with better responses than 'we're listening' people will feel their views are being listened to and acted on. This will in turn hopefully remove the need for juvenile behaviour. This is very basic stuff, you're community managers and this is a core part of a community manager's job as far as I'm concerned. 4. More curated posts started by Bungie. We want to make the game better so ask us things - you might not agree with everything but you'll get a good volume and decent quality of response if you do. Just my two cents anyway.



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        • Need a forum got booted twice from comp losing points



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        • Need a sub forum for “Tips/Help”. Something as such.



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        • remove/lock anything that is not related to destiny i don't wanna read if your friend has died or you have one arm..



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          11 通の返信
          • I browse the forums for the following reasons: Check for Updates (weapon balance) Tips and Tricks (helpful raid setups) Secrets (WotW) Bugs (so I can avoid) I primarily browse for updates, but I use YouTube for specific runs and walkthroughs. I think complaints, feedback, etc should be in its own place (far, far away) so helpful information is easy to find.



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            1 返信
            • More community moderation is needed. There's too many rude, ignorant, generally horrible people on here who put people off from joining in. If you say something that someone disagrees with, they don't do so politely for the most part, they do so in an aggressive, hostile or piss taking manner. So yeah, basically moderate the forums more and be a lot stricter on the way people communicate with each other.



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            • TheShadow-caliにより編集済み: 7/10/2019 11:14:28 PM
              You can start by monitoring the mods making sure they treat everyone as equal in spite of their personal issues that literally does not belong in this forum. Bring back the gaming forum because putting it in Offtopic destroyed it. IMO LFG should have a mod assigned to it. What I find most important in my browsing experience, is seeing if you, Cozmo, or whoever is actually paying attention to the legit feedback. There are many posts that get barred, not to say that any of you ignore them, but I have seen quite a few that have never been acknowledged just by popping in. Edit: Example, topics like this IMO should be taken more seriously Or, take factions for example, not that any of you have any control over what takes place but it would be nice to actually get an actual explanation other than the norm from the devs if possible other then saying for an entire year... "We're still looking into it"



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              9 通の返信
              • Keep a tighter leash on your forum ninjas. I’ve seen far too many of them blatantly abuse their “power” in the past.



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                2 通の返信
                • Question 1 - Information, tips, aids. Question 2 - Browsing YouTube and Reddit Question 3 - I have no clue. Though I will say that the past few weeks there does seem to be a change in the Forum. Maybe this has to do with the quality of content Bungie has been putting out lately.



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