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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
7/10/2019 6:48:40 PM

Forum Feedback

Hey all, Pinning this to the Destiny 2 forum, as I'm currently looking through some feedback on our forums and structure. I recently did a quick tweet asking players who may not visit the forums here on some questions, as I'd love to make this place more appealing for the broad community. Now, I'm looking for feedback from those who are on here more frequently, namely you! This isn't a question of what we can do better in terms of making in-game changes to Destiny 2. My goals here are to get some thoughts from you on the current state of our forums. If you could answer the following, it'd be much appreciated. [quote]• What do you find most important to your browsing experience? • Do you find yourself frequently engaging with forums, or more often browsing associated media/group messaging apps for information/discussion? (Think Twitter, Discord, Youtube, etc) • What changes would you like to see that would make the forums a more welcoming place for community engagement?[/quote]



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  • don't purge offtopic. infact. if y'all could revert the purge of offtopic. it would be great



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  • I was going to suggest topic pages, but since this thread has pages now I guess this is something that is happening.



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  • Custom Avatars would be great. Yes, it would take some policing, but it can be done as evidenced by the many other places that do have that feature



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  • I'd like to see forum titles. I wasn't around when forum titles were a thing, but from what I heard everyone loved them and they encourage people to play nice.



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    2 通の返信
    • More communication from bungie employees on the forums would be nice.



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    • I know this might not be priority but it would be a great quality of life thing. I have played other games with the option to adjust things like dead zone/aim acceleration on console and would love to see the option to adjust that on destiny as well. It would give more customization to the feel of sensitivity.



      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

    • Will the feedback players give be used to improve what you were planning on getting feedback on?



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    • The most important part of the forums, is the open conversation a person can have with others of similar interests. The forums are my main way of engaging with destiny outside of the game. A suggestion I would have for the overall health of the forums would be to have more and easier to access sub categories. Merging all forums in to one singular section and having tabs to swap between would be a good solution to this problem. Another suggestion I have for the betterment of the forums is the ability to rate individuals based on their actions on the forums. If a person is being very helpful on the forums and are creating good thought provoking posts, players should be able to commend them for their efforts. The same could work the other way as well if someone is being a troll, a player could downvote them for acting in a negative manner. The last suggestion I have for the forums is some type of title system that shows off your strengths. If people are exceptional at certain activities, they should receive a title that shows off their knowledge of certain things. For example, if someone has a 2.0 kd in crucible they would get a crucible master title on the forums so people know this person is knowledgeable of the crucible.



      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

    • 1. Ease of Access and frequent interaction with people in the know. The site has evolved a few times, and it seems to get worse with every iteration. As a Destiny player, all I want is a direct way to see all information from Bungie and its employees, regarding the game. Discussion, debate, and interaction are great, but it all too often feels like all of us here are simply yelling into the void, seemingly expected to get our voices heard through third parties, including streamers and other platforms like Twitter. 2. I visit the forums daily, and talk with my clan in our Discord daily as well. I watch youtubers or streamers occasionally, but often find they are as clueless as the rest of us, and as an interactive platform... nah. Youtube comments are shit, and streamers (totally understandably) are going to focus on their subs, or conversations they feel like having, more than the average persons concerns. Twitter is all but useless, but I have it just to try and keep an eye on you guys and the game. 3. I want to see clear and concise information regarding the game, and any current concerns. I want to see interaction between the Bungie crew and the users here, as frequently as possible, and then some. I want to see less spread out responses, on places like reddit and twitter. Any available answers to questions should be compiled here. I want to see the moderation team crack down on some of the BS that goes on around here. I feel like these things would bring the community together in greater numbers and would combat the "toxic" nature that the boards seem to have.



      マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

    • Upvoting and downvoting is a mistake. The system that Reddit has may be popular but that doesn't mean it's good. This system promotes witch hunts and favours posts that are popular over posts that offer actual conversation value. I feel like the downsides of using this system far outweigh the good. A typical forum user will read a post and hit the downvote simply because they dislike the person or just because they don't agree with them regardless of whether or not the post itself is true. Rather than replying and getting involved they'll just hit the arrow. It would be nice if we went back to a system which leans more towards getting people to form actual discussions. If anyone else remembers what this site was like before destiny came out you'll know what I'm talking about.



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      5 通の返信
      • Take off, nuke the whole site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.



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      • Gorlin Goltzにより編集済み: 7/11/2019 8:24:52 PM
        A more accurate "Find Fireteam" section, one that uses our names for the system we're on. I've made a bunch of fireteams using the current model, and have had a lot of success. [b]However,[/b] the biggest drawback is that it uses our Bungie Usernames. Some person named "[i]BungieDaddy69[/i]" will join, but his Xbox gamertag will turn out to be "[i]LongFurbyUwU[/i]." And I know it's a small thing, but having to go into each player's profiles and find their respective Gamertags, Playstation name, or Blizzard ID can become tedious, especially for raids. I know there's an option to send invites directly through the Fireteam menu, but it has almost never worked for me or other people I've joined. TD;DR: "Find Fireteam" should use console names, and the "Send invites" feature needs work.



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      • I'd love to be able to see my 3D character models here and not have to log into the game every time I want to draw/ref my character. Can you still see it on the app? I remember being able to but then I couldn't figure out how to after some update...



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      • 1. Reliable information; too often I come here to find answers to questions about Destiny just to learn that the answer is on some other site that isn't directly related to Destiny or Bungie. 2. If I engage here it's merely to add my 2 cents to some post or comment someone else made. 3. I would like to see these forums become the first and most reliable source of information about the game. When I search for information about the game this should be the first site that pops up. It never is. Also, I would like clan forums to come back. I'm not sure when that was removed.



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      • More interaction would be a good start Cozmo. There's usually you and occasionally DMG or Deej making a comment and that's all we see. Then of course you got all the negative folks in here who instead of holding a intelligent conversation resort to name calling and or trolling and nothing is done to step up to said folks. If a good start is to be made eliminating blind aimless words that do nothing but stir or attempt to stir strife would be one good way.



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      • JokerLou3000により編集済み: 7/11/2019 7:22:47 PM
        The form is so damn toxic. Peoples ideas are flooded by toxic comments I never seen bungie polls. Do some polls after a month or 2 after a new dlc or content has dropped. Have idea creation forms where people can not reply to them. Only bungie can reply to. It seems you only reply to a selected few. I might be wrong. Balance, equal pay, and NO MORE EXOTIC HAND CANNONS OR SHOTGUNS



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        11 通の返信
        • Ohhh nelly



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        • I enjoy the forum organization and structure. Being able to follow a thread would be nice. The only real problem with this forum is that Bungie treats it like a big wart on the end of its nose. You guys acknowledge that we're here (from time to time), but you really wish that we weren't. Some community interaction would be nice.



          マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

          1 返信
          • How about a section where we can see all posts by Bungie and Bungie employees official accounts. Many times I've seen people in the forum talking about something being posted to Twitter or some other site. The forums should be the first place anything Bungie related should be posted, not the last or as an afterthought.



            マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

            4 通の返信
            • [quote]• What do you find most important to your browsing experience? • Do you find yourself frequently engaging with forums, or more often browsing associated media/group messaging apps for information/discussion? (Think Twitter, Discord, Youtube, etc) • What changes would you like to see that would make the forums a more welcoming place for community engagement?[/quote][/quote] 1.) Honestly just being able to discuss the game with open-minded and level-headed people. Unfortunately there’s a lot of toxicity in these forums, and it can be hard to have a healthy conversation on here. Also I feel it’s important to have a sense of transparency with the developers and community managers. Knowing that our feedback is being taken [b]AND WHY[/b] certain changes are being made or taking longer to be made. 2.) I find myself most frequently participating in discussion on this forum (mainly the #Lore forums) and the D2 PC LFG discord server. I never use twitter or other social media really. 3.) As I said in point one, more transparency. Knowing more than just the fact that you are listening, but how the devs respond to the feedback you relay to them would be great. For example, if the community is asking for QoL changes like a hotkey for pursuits or buffs to underused classes, knowing why these changes weren’t in the game, a general timeline for those fixes, and maybe even a reason as to why they were in a poor state and why it’ll take X time to fix. So a sample response to the hotkey fix would be: The pursuits tab hotkey was not added as it’s generally a PC QoL fix and we’re mainly working on porting that version to steam right now. That being said, you can expect a fix in late July, however I’ll inform you of any updates in a future TWAB. Also I find a lot of updates are posted on twitter or reddit, and the forums have to wait until a TWAB or third party source relays that info, it’d be helpful to get that info on the official forums sooner. Thanks for taking the time to read my response, I hope this feedback helped make the forums a better place.



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            • I used to be on here all the time. Now I spend most of my time on Reddit. There needs to be better moderation here. The creation of megathreads, removal of low-effort or toxic posts on reddit make it much more readable. There used to be a lot of great content here- but in the past year it has crashed from great stories and helpful tips to repeated one-liners yelling out the same things. It's just not worth coming here any more. I could have missed this thread because I haven't been here in days.



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            • I want a forum handled like Blizzards Overwatch forums. Only likes. No option to downvote. Weekly updates and regular pins about burning topics.



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            • It doesn't help that the app experience is not that good, between lag and things not loading, messages not posting, character limitations. Not to mention the vault not being sorted. There is very little reason to use the app and I try to avoid it as much as possible. And use other sources



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            • Personally I feel as though the forum is a place for players to share info, grievances, vent, etc. I would like to see a more interactive forum with Bungie. I doesn't seem as if Bungie is listening to the majority of the player base. In fact it seems as though the developer input comes entirely from elsewhere and we the players are constantly struggling to adapt to changes we never asked for. Create a space in the forum where your loyal player base can feel as if they are being heard.



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            • GenXerにより編集済み: 7/11/2019 5:22:55 PM
              I come to the forums for information on what's happening in Destiny 2. The forums are great for quickly gauging what's bugged, what's new, what the latest cheeses are, and of course, what's got people up in arms. It's the meta-content for the game content. What I don't find on the forums often or quickly enough are specifics such as where Mists on Nessus is. Generally, if I'm, looking for a specific location, I go out to the broader Internet to search for it. Likewise for quest steps, I search the net. I've found searching the forums to be a feckless adventure. For the real content, I go elsewhere. I wish that would change. I'd love the forums to become more of a searchable repository for information, lore, schedules, events, maps, stats, kit, etc. I love the weekly inforgraphic that is posted by one of the users/content creators. Also, the weekly location of Xur is appreciated. Sure, I can remember the algorithm for finding him (weekly flashpoint, but if on expansion world then in tower), but it's nice to see it at a glance. I imagine with the advent of the new F2P content that algorithm may become moot, but I digress. As for making this place more of luck. There will always be that element who loves to troll. It's [i]en vogue[/i]. Weeding out that element would go a long way. Removing responses that have nothing to do with the game such as negative racial, gender, and politically charged responses would help. They have no place, here. Pinning hot-button issues might help cut down on the spam, as well. That way, we can have a place for people to vent and discuss what's happening in and with the game and feel heard without having to spam the boards. Of course, the corollary to this is to remove the spammy posts, directing people to the pinned topics. Leaving it to the current algorithms of Trending and New isn't cutting it. When Destiny was first laid out to us, many of us had an idea of what a ten year plan for a universe would be. I'm sure most of us have yet to see that realized. Part of that realization can come through the boards with a bit more effort to add significant content. Too much of this game is dispersed. Perhaps, allowing....or giving the disparate content creators space on to showcase their work would help bring it all together. That way, Bungie doesn't have to do all the heavy lifting, and content creators aren't left twisting in the wind if Bungie were to do all the work themselves. Just some ideas from The Monkeydome. Game on.



              マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

            • How’s about you talk and discuss issues inside of Destiny 2 with us, the players, instead of “passed it along to the team” to a very few limited suggestions so far. Deej you need to engage with us more and voice your opinion as well! We need both sides of the argument, for example the enhancement core situation, why don’t you or the “team” give us feedback on what made you put cores apart of infusion in the first place? Why can’t you or the “team” just talk directly to us about your thoughts on our suggestions or requests, why can’t you just be honest on not dodge specific questions unless absolutely necessary? Is it too much to ask for any of you to give [i]us[/i] feedback on the feedback we have given to you??? It shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes out of your day to respond to some of the suggestions that has been repeated over and over again. Also can you please explain why it’s so hard to respond and have an actual argument with us the players? I seriously cannot understand how tough it is to take a little time off so you could engage with your fanbase, I work 50 hours a week, and I always come on to the forums and leave my 2¢, so what’s your excuse?



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